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Sohyun tried to calm herself as she hid behind the trunk of the van. Not knowing why Hanbin was standing in front of Jungkook, she was scared out of her wits to have to face both of them.

Jaehyun: "You guys are back?" he startled her as he approached her from the side.
Sohyun: "Yeah, yeah we just uhh- we just got back" she cleared her throat. "Uh, are you- are you guys just getting back from morning training?" she asked.
Jaehyun: "Yeah, we are. Are you okay?" he asked seeing how she was practically jittery and nervous.
Mingyu: "You look like you just saw a ghost" he added but Jaehyun nudged him to stay quiet.
Sohyun: "I'm doing just fine" she cleared her throat again. "You guys should probably go in. Looks like there's a situation" she informed them.

Eunseo: "What situation? Is Jungkook-oppa alright??" her sudden worries and questions struck Sohyun to kind of glare at her. Eunseo lowered her eyes as soon as she realized who she just asked.
Sohyun: "Some iKON members are here, it looks like" she finally revealed to them.
Jaehyun: "iKON members?" he was confused.
Mingyu: "The hell are they here for?!" he hissed but Jaehyun calmed him before he got too hostile.


Bobby: "Please take good, good care of us" he bowed to the cameraman who was filming him.

Jungkook and Yugyeom watched from afar as Bobby wrapped up filming with Real Men staff. Right when Yugyeom was going to say anything to Jungkook, Junhoe walked by and decided he wanted to drop a threat.

Junhoe: "Two months with you guys..." he started to say as he approached closer to Jungkook and Yugyeom. "Two months guys... Let's try to get along well, shall we?" he laughed.
Yugyeom: "Over my dead body" he grit his teeth together.
Junhoe: "Ohhh... someone getting mad again, are they??" he laughed again.
Jungkook: "Walk away, Junhoe" he warned with a smile "Just walk away"
Junhoe: "Or what?" he stepped in closer. "You guys can't do shit. Ya'll are too afraid of the media... the public. You guys care too much about your image. So what do I think you're gonna do? Nothing. Because you guys ain't shit"

Yugyeom, who couldn't hold in his temper anymore, attempted to jump past Jungkook who was holding him back but wasn't strong enough to break through Jungkook's grip.

Jungkook: "Why don't we talk when the cameras aren't around?" he told Junhoe who blinked twice before laughing again.
Junhoe: "I like you man, you feisty" he teased before walking off to join Bobby for the interview.

Yugyeom: "Should've let me, Jungkook-ah. I could've dropped him right now"
Jungkook: "And then what? Spend another few months here? No way"

Just as Jungkook looked away from Yugyeom who finally calmed down, he realized Hanbin had been staring at him. Just as Jungkook was going to walk over to ask him the real intentions why they're there- he was stopped by Sinb who was quick and strong enough to drag him away.

Sinb: "What do you think you're doing?" she asked him as she dragged him to the open field. "Do you honestly think of this as a joke?!" she scolded him. "And you!" she scolded Yugyeom as he followed them, "Do YOU think this is a joke?"
Jungkook: "Just mind your own business. This is between iKON and us" he casually responded.
Sinb: "You're forgetting that if anything happens to you guys, it's on the rest of us as well!" she barked back.
Yugyeom: "Hyung's got a point there" he clicked his neck.

Sinb side eyed him for calling her 'hyung'. She let out a big sigh and begged the two not to react to any of the iKON members and after some persuasion, Jungkook and Yugyeom finally agreed.

Sinb: "You guys promised so better keep it" she pointed at them before walking away.
Yugyeom: "Tell me why we have to listen to her again?" he asked Jungkook.
Jungkook: "Because we don't want our faces covered in dirt" he responded as Yugyeom, initiating that Sinb would beat the hell out of them if they went against her words.
Yugyeom: "Noted" he crossed his arms.

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