Bunnyme24 kills TheWolfishHunt with a hatchet.
Slushy526 receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Sweepths- severely injures DatGrumpyKid, but puts her out of her misery.
RedPandaWorld, QuincyLightAura, ShadowRider676, and CosmicExplorer sleep in shifts.
Spinyrhino loses sight of where he is.
BonStarOwO, Alpurca, Shadowedravensfire , and PichuGamer907 tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
Foxlordd and DarrinPokeSplat tell stories about themselves to each other.
Sparkstream convinces JaimesMissingArm to snuggle with her.
Tactician- tries to treat her infection.
Mess (Journal #6)
HumorGeez this is about Slushy526 so it must be filled with trash Welcome again (for the sixth time) to the shit show