Day 1- Round 2

20 5 7

QuincyLightAura and PichuGamer907 hunt for other tributes.

Slushy526 discovers a river.

ShadowRider676 receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Hoggie3 camouflauges himself in the bushes.

JohnathenYoungs, Alpurca, RedPandaWorld, and BonStarOwO form a suicide pact, killing themselves. (oh)

Spinyrhino, JaimesMissingArm , DarrinPokeSplat, and DatGrumpyKid raid Bunnyme24's camp while she is hunting.

Shadethewarrior hunts for other tributes.

Reddniei and TheWolfishHunt work together for the day.

Sweepths-, Idontshipamour, CosmicExplorer , and Tactician- hunt for other tributes.

Sparkstream camouflauges herself in the bushes.  

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