Night one- Round 5

14 5 3

Sparkstream severely injures PichuGamer907, but puts him out of his misery.

Foxlordd receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Shadowedravensfire , BonStarOwO, Hoggie3, and Buddy Boi sleep in shifts.

Slushy526 fends CosmicExplorer, Bunnyme24, and QuincyLightAura away from her fire.

TheWolfishHunt climbs a tree to rest.

Alpurca passes out from exhaustion.

JaimesMissingArm destroys Idontshipamour's supplies while he is asleep.

RedPandaWorld convinces Sweepths- to snuggle with her.

Reddniei passes out from exhaustion.

DatGrumpyKid sets up camp for the night.

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