Tactician- stabs TheWolfishHunt in the back with a trident.
Spinyrhino attacks Sweepths-, but he manages to escape.
Slushy526 receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Sparkstream, Foxlordd, PichuGamer907, QuincyLightAura, and Bunnyme24 hunt for other tributes.
CosmicExplorer begs for ShadowRider676 to kill her. He refuses, keeping CosmicExplorer alive.
RedPandaWorld, Buddy Boi, Shadethewarrior, and DarrinPokeSplat raid Reddniei's camp while she is hunting.
Shadowedravensfire falls into a pit and dies.
Mess (Journal #6)
HumorGeez this is about Slushy526 so it must be filled with trash Welcome again (for the sixth time) to the shit show