Night 1- Round 2

14 5 16

TheWolfishHunt tries to treat her infection.

PichuGamer907, Spinyrhino, Slushy526, and Tactician- form a suicide pact, killing themselves. (oH)

Sparkstream questions her sanity.

DarrinPokeSplat, QuincyLightAura, and Shadethewarrior start fighting, but QuincyLightAura runs away as DarrinPokeSplat kills Shadethewarrior.

ShadowRider676 tends to Sweepths-'s wounds.

DatGrumpyKid, Hoggie3, and CosmicExplorer discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Reddniei, Idontshipamour, JaimesMissingArm , and Bunnyme24 sleep in shifts.

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