Night 2- Round 3

21 6 13

Spinyrhino quietly hums.

QuincyLightAura and Slushy526 talk about the tributes still alive.

DarrinPokeSplat shoots an arrow at BonStarOwO, but misses and kills RedPandaWorld instead.

Tactician- destroys ShadowRider676's supplies while he is asleep.

PichuGamer907 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

CosmicExplorer cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Sparkstream and Bunnyme24 talk about the tributes still alive.

Alpurca defeats Foxlordd in a fight, but spares her life.

Sweepths- cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Shadowedravensfire starts a fire.

JaimesMissingArm receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

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