DatGrumpyKid fishes.
Reddniei makes a slingshot.
Shadowedravensfire questions his sanity.
Sparkstream silently snaps Shadethewarrior's neck.
CosmicExplorer makes a slingshot.
BonStarOwO tries to spear fish with a trident.
RedPandaWorld diverts Buddy Boi's attention and runs away.
Foxlordd forces Sweepths- to kill Alpurca or Tactician-. He decides to kill Tactician-.
JaimesMissingArm practices her archery.
TheWolfishHunt tries to sleep through the entire day.
Bunnyme24 scares Idontshipamour off.
PichuGamer907 thinks about home.
QuincyLightAura, Slushy526, and Hoggie3 hunt for other tributes.
Mess (Journal #6)
HumorGeez this is about Slushy526 so it must be filled with trash Welcome again (for the sixth time) to the shit show