«Chapter One» Bonded

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     I quickly wrote down exactly what I saw on the blackboard. Algebra. Why did it have to be algebra? I hated math. Why wasn't I out doing something else? My mind started to wander as my teacher rambled on and on.
Splat. I felt a wad of paper hit my neck. I wiped off the spit ball and growled under my breath. Not going to turn around. Not going to take his bait.
Splat. I clenched my fists.
The bell rang. I grabbed my bag and literally ran out of the room before anyone could say anything. Since school had just gotten out, all the people were milling around the school grounds, so I didn't really have any shelter to change into my suit.
Oh, I may have forgotten, I'm the Scarlet Spider. Crime fighting vigilante that fights off villains! Cool, right?
     I had found out that I had a spider's ability last month, when I had turned fifteen. Quite a shock for me, but I didn't let the opportunity go to waste. After watching Spider-Man swing around down in Queens, I decided I would be just like him.
     I tried to dodge people as I headed down from the stairs that led up to my school. It was way crowded, and I could barley see the ground in front of me.
Finally, the crowds cleared up a little, thankfully. I pulled my bag up onto my shoulder and kept on walking through the streets of New York, watching for my apartment.
     24th. I stopped at the door with the old brass numbers built on its surface. Taking out my key, I unlocked the door, "Mom, I'm home!"
     Of course, no answer. She worked at a local chemistry lab, so she wouldn't be back for a while.
     I threw my bag into the small closet beside the front door and hurried up to my room. Just because I had homework didn't mean I couldn't take a break swinging around the city, right?
     Slamming my door shut, I threw open my closet and found my suit hung up on a hanger. (Looks exactly like above.)
     I grabbed it and pulled it on. This was awesome. Whenever I put on the suit, I felt free and untouchable.
     Making sure I had one of my usual notes out so Mom could see it, I hopped onto my windowsill and jumped.
     "Yes!" I yelled in triumph and swung way high up into the sky. Using the momentum, I flipped up and let myself drop for a while, and caught myself before I splatted onto the ground.
     I could hear people gasping and crying out in surprise as I swung past. That only made me feel even more amazing and alive.
     Strange how that only lasted about a minute.
     A loud explosion sounded behind me and lit the sky an orange-yellow. I let go of my web and landed on a nearby roof, looking for where the explosion had been.
     There. Smoke was bellowing up from a bank. Looks like I had a job.
     I stuck a web to the next building and jumped.
     Police were already on the scene, searching the area and helping people out of the smoking bank. I was relieved to see that most of them weren't hurt and they seemed to be alright.
I swung into the smoky building unseen and landed onto the cracked floor. The entire place was a mess.
The cash registers were littered everywhere, the counters were splintered everywhere and, the strangest, was that no money was stolen by the looks of it.
I hopped over the counter and looked around. None of the safes were broken, just stainless and perfectly fine. I stared at it, baffled. What kind of a villain would leave all of this money behind?
     As I racked my brain for explanations, something pulled at the mental strings at the back of my mind. Spider sense.
     I got ready to fight, "Come out, who ever you are!"
     No answer. Wood cracked and fell to the ground as I looked up. Something was here, and it was hunting me. Not a very good thing.
Just then, I felt a cold sensation climb up my spine and through my body. Fear and anger filled my mind as I searched frantically for the robber, or who ever had vanished.
My arms started shaking and a cold sweat broke out against my forehead. I suddenly felt really sick, falling over my feet to get out of the smoky surroundings.
I hid away from the people around the bank and swung up into a building, only to fall against a wall. I looked down at my hand; was it just my vision, or was it turning gray?
Just the sight made me feel like throwing up, "Great job. You didn't even catch the bad guy."
     I reached my apartment window and collapsed onto my bed.
     "Sparrow? Is that you? I got chili for dinner!" I heard Mom shout up the stairs.
     Panting for breath, I locked my door, "I'm going to bed. I don't want Chinese- "
     I passed out.
     "Hey, get up! You're going to miss school. And I don't want you locking the door anymore. Sparrow, can you even hear me?"
     "Icanhearyoufine," I muttered from under my pillow, "I'llbeoutinaminute."
     Mom grumbled and went down stairs. Jeez, what was her problem?
     I pulled my pillow off my face and rubbed my head, remembering what had happened last night. That couldn't have been a dream. It had been too real. Especially feeling that sick.
     I got up and looked down at the floor and yelped in shock. I had left my suit on from last night- but now it was totally different.
     You could say it was exactly the same except for that it had turned completely white and black.

     You could say it was exactly the same except for that it had turned completely white and black

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I couldn't believe it. The first thought was, I gotta get sick more often! second, How did my suit change when I didn't even do anything about it?
I jumped and hung to the ceiling, "Okay, okay! I'm coming! Gosh!"
Quickly throwing on some clothes over top the new suit, I went down stairs, and started a very strange day.

< HELLO PEOPLE! Just got done with this a little while ago and wanted to give you guys a sneak peek of the upcoming storyline. I mean, I don't own any of the characters except for Sparrow. All the credit is given to Marvel, the greatest, most awesome, coolest- well, you get the idea.
Let me know in the comments what I can do to make it better! >

-The Flash

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