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The next morning i woke up and got ready for work. Good thing the kids were still sleeping, so i didn't have to hear them cry once i leave. I walked downstairs and poured myself a bowl of cereal. Mom and Dad then walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning hun" mom said kissing my cheeck. "Morning darling" dad said kissing the top of my head. "morning" i replied. "Going to work?" dad asked. "Yeah, its sunday so its a short day" i shrugged. 

They served themselves some cereal and we ate in silence. "So, have you heard from Shawn?" my mom said braking the silence. "Yeah, he called yesterday" i said finishing my cereal. "How is he? What did he say?" she asked. "He said he's fine, and nothing much just to wish the kids a happy birthday and then he had to leave, so.." i shrugged. "You miss him, huh?" my dad asked. I stood up and walked to the sink. I placed my bown on the sink and stood there trying to hold back the tears. "Yeah" i sighed. "Oh don't worry hunny, he'll be back before you know it" my mom said walking up to me and rubbing my back. 

"Yeah." i said wipping my tears away. "I uh, gotta head to work. Don't want to be late" i slightly laughed. "Don't worry about the kids, i'll take care of them before i leave and then i'll ask Jack and Jack to take care of them when i leave, okay?" she said patting my back. I nodded and walked to the bathroom. I cleaned up, brushed my teeth, put on some mascara then walked to my room. I kissed the twins good bye and walked to my car. 

It was a 10 minute drive to my job. I worked in a small restaurant and not much people came in, mostly elders did though. As i walked in the bell singnaling that someone came in and i got welcomed by Vanessa, my boss. "Good morning Diana" she said handing me my apron. "Good morning" i smiled. "Can you turn the sign to open please?" she asked waking to the counter. I walked over and turned it around.As i turned around to walk away, the bell rand, "Good morning" someone said. It sounded like Shawn.. i turned around hoping it was, but it wasn't. I sighed and turned around, "good morning sir, what can i get for you this morning?" i asked taking out a notepad. 

"Can i have a meduim decaf coffee and a brownie please?" he asked. I chuckled because thats something Shawn would order, damn i miss him. "Uh, would regular or chocolatechip brownie?" i asked. "regular he answered. "It'll be right out" i smiled then walked away. 

-- 5 hours later --

"IM HOME" I yelled walking into the house. "NO ONE CARES" Gabe shouted back. I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room where i see Jack and Jack playing with the twins. "Hey Diana, look what we taught Jen" my brother said standing up. "If i hear her cuss i am going to kill you" i said crossing my arms over  my chest. "No just watch" Jack said holding Jaiden. Jack got up and carried Jen infront of Jack and placed her standing on the ground. "Come here baby" Jack said playing with Jaiedn's hands. Jack let go of Jen's hands and she started stumbling over to Jack. She was about to fall when my brother caught her. " Oh. my. gosh. Did she just?" i asked surprise. "She just did" Jack smirked. I walked over to Jeniah and carried her. "Oh my gosh my baby just walked" i said throwing her a little. She giggled as she landed in my hands.

I hugged her and walked over to Jaiden, "Now when are you going to walk, huh?" i tickled his belly. He giggled. Aw, it's like hearing angels. "Lets try and teach him?" Jack g asked. "Sure" i said. I sat Jen down next to me and she played with her toys. My brother Jack grabbed Jaiden and held him by the hands. I Sat down a couple inches away from him. Far enough for him to take atleast 3 steps. Jack G sat down on the other side of me in criss cross. 

"Okay, let go of him slowly now" i said. Jack let go and Jaiden stood for a couple of seconds. "Come here baby, come to mama" i said tapping my knees.  "No, come to uncle Jack" Jack G said stretching his arms out, and he did. He stumbled towards his direction and even fell into his arms. I sat there with my mouth shaped in an 'O' and i was happy but a little sad. "yay!" Jack said picking him up and throwig him up inthe air. I pouted and fake cried. "Don't cry baby momma, don't cry" Jack said patting me with Jeniah's hand. "You love me right?" i pouted to Jeniah. She didn't say anything and just laughed. "I'll take that as a yes!" i laughed. "Come here" i said taking her. 

I sat down on the couch infront of the Tv and Jack G sat next to me holding Jaiden. He placed him between us and i placed Jeniah next to Jaiden so both were sitting together. "Turn on the Tv i wanna see whats on" i said leaning back. "You're so bosy" Gabe said grabbing the remote. I didn't say anything i just groaned. He turned on and the first thing that had to pop up was Shawn. 

"Is the young famous singer, Shawn Mendes, cheating on his girlfriend Diana? We'll show you some pictures the paparazzi took after the brake so stick around." What? NO. He-He can't. Right then and there, my heart broke into milions of pieces. I felt my eyes getting watery, and i started shaking. They all turned around to look at me with worryness on their face. I was just stairing at the tv. "He better not" Jack G said. "I don't think thats true. I mean, it might just be the media Diana, you know how they make up so much shit, don't worry about it sis, he wouldn't do that to you" Jack said walking towards me and bent down infront of me. 

"Y-Yeah, it might just be the media" Gabe said rubbing small circles on my back. "Y-Youre right" i said wipping a couple tears away. 'He wouldn't do that to me.." i added. "He just wouldn't" i whispered. I looked down to my knees and let a couple more tears fall on my lap and turned to face Jack sitting next to me. His hands were in a fist and the knuckled were turning white. "He better not be" he said through his gritted teeth. "Wow dude, calm down." Jack said. He looked over to me and saw me stairing at his hands, he let go of his grip and the white disapeared. "Diana, Shawn's a good guy, he wouldn't." he said placing a hand on my leg. "Besides, if he does, you have us, and the rest of the guys" Jack smiled. I smiled back and stood up straight.

"You're right." i smiled. "Welcome back. So is the young good looking singer Shawn Mendes chea-" the lady in the Tv said before Jack stood up and turned off the tv. "I think we should go to sleep" he said. My brother Jack stood up and kissed my head. "You alright?" he asked. "I will be" i tried smiling, but the thoughts of Shawn cheating on me ran through my head. I shouldn't be thinking about that, because i know he wouldn't. He loves me, right?

Jack G carried Jaiden while i took Jeniah. We silently walked up to my room and laid them down in their crib. "Good night twins" he whispered kissing their heads. "Good night Diana" he said kissing mine, "Good night Jack." i said. "Wait." i said stoping him from walking out the door. "Hm?" he hummed stoping on the door way. "Thank you. For everything" i smiled. He smiled and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and hugged me.It felt good. This is what i needed, a hug. I hugged him back and took in his scent. "You smell good" i giggled. I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed. "Good night shorty" he said letting go. "Good night" i replied.

He walked out of my room and left me standing there in my room. I smiled and walked over to the twins' crib. "Good nigt loves" i whispered and softly kissed their heads. "I love you" i added. 

Once i changed and laid on my bed. I looked up to the ceiling and kept thinking of Shawn. Is he cheating on me? no. he wouldn't. he just, wouldn't. I closed my eyes tightly and bit my lips so i wouldn't start crying.

" He wouldn't " i repeated.


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_Dianaa xo

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