8 - Empress Elect- Part 2

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Author's Note: Our beautiful Emperor's picture is up there, the art work is not mine, all credit goes to the artist.


As he slept peacefully he didn't know come morning his peaceful days will be over, not that he had one to begin with anyway.


Jiang tried to ignore the loud banging sound on his door but couldn't because it got louder "Young mistress Lei Yue, the Emperor have summoned you to the grand hall,his majesty don't like to be delayed so young mistress is advised to wake up now" an eunuch's arrogant loud voice woke Jiang with a start, He sat up so abruptly that he ended up rolling and falling on the hard ground, He whimpered due to the pain his butt felt, He stood up and tried to soothe the pain by massaging the area affected, it wasn't a lady like thing to do at all but he did it anyway, he wasn't actually a lady, moreover, he didn't know how to act elegant and refined, after all he lived all his life in the forest.

"Is everything okay young mistress Lei Yue " the eunuch asked with a hint of worry in his voice and that surprised Jiang a bit because just moments ago the same eunuch sounded arrogant now his voices sounds worried and even somewhat embarrassed, Jiang sighed, he wasn't offended by the eunuchs rude actions earlier, in fact he expected it because he believed everyone in the palace will treat him badly due to the Emperor's treatment of him last night, maybe the eunuch was just confused on how to actually treat him.

Jiang who had grudgingly stood up earlier from the ground, started preparing to go and greet the emperor in the so called grand hall, Jiang eyes were still puffy by the time he left his room. He was feeling really grumpy and exhausted after all he hasn't had the chance to have a good rest after such a long journey, he had spent most of his rest time cleaning that damn room.

"So that's the Empress Elect" Jiang heard a court lady say and point at him rudely as he walked behind the eunuch that came to wake him up and was his guide to the grand hall. Jiang was genuinely confused with what they just called him however he wasn't going to dwell on such matters, he didn't think it was his business, they must just be talking nonsense about him and this he was used to.

They were times when he was still at yin province that he did travel to a small mortal town to sell some wild meat he had caught in the forest so that he could get some mortal money and buy some mortal spices to make his food taste a bit better and whenever he did this people always talked about him in such mocking tone, most people even just stayed clear from him because of the stench his body produced from time to time. Jiang was lucky to have a faithful customer that always patronized him when he visited the mortal town, If not he might have just been going there for nothing.

"She is so weak, are you sure she is the Empress Elect" Another court lady said and that peeked Jiang's curiosity, he became slightly confused, he understood they were talking about him and was just going to filter their voice out of his hearing range and ignore their words like he usually did on such occasions however he couldn't understand why they kept calling him Empress Elect.

"What does that even mean?" he thought while being his usual confused self, his father told him he was coming to the imperial palace as the emperor's empress in waiting and was suppose to marry the Emperor any day from the time of his arrival, he thought that's why he was been summoned however with the way these palace maids keep looking at him with disdain, mockery, disregard and disgust in their eyes he doesn't think his father told him the complete truth, he sighed deeply because he knew something smelt fishy since the moment he stepped into the imperial palace. The way he was been treated, no matter how he sees it isn't the way a suppose life partner of the emperor should be treated even if not favored.

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