41- Sparing Part 2

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EDITED BY queenLysh




Jiang felt nostalgic and a smile that wasn't so beautiful appeared on his face, it was a sad smile but this feeling didn't last long since it was broken by Jun Tang's deep husky and angry voice. "How about we spar disciple and while doing that lets have an honest discussion!" The emperor was back to acting like Jun Tang but the only difference was that his aura was much more intimidating, bloodthirsty and violent.


Jiang was shocked to the point that he imagined his heart had popped out of his chest entirely. The only thing his frightful brain could think of doing was to secretly pull out another veil from his space ring and then wrap it around his face. He was backing away from Jun Tang so his actions were not seen since it was really quickly done moreover Jun Tang was too distracted with other thoughts to notice Jiang little movement.

Jiang could actually still use ice jewel to cover his newly formed face but he didn't think of that possibility giving his present situation.

Once his face was half covered as usual he turned facing Jun Tang with his chest downwards covered by the lake water, Jiang thanked his stars that the night sky had turned dark, his robes at the bank of the water had mysteriously been suddenly tossed on his face, he removed it to see if Jun Tang was close by but he was still standing at a considerable distance away from him.

"Get out!" Jun Tang's stern voice vibrated inside Jiang ears to the point that he had to clutch them in pain, fresh blood flowed out of his ears again but this time his injured ears had lost their hearing ability and couldn't even hear the wind whoosh around him.

Jiang didn't understand why Jun Tang was being like this, as far as he was concerned if anyone should be angry it is him. He gave Jun Tang a look that said he should at least look away so that he could dress and Jun Tang just snorted and ignored the signals Jiang was throwing at him. Jiang grudgingly activated his piercing tornado dance technique and used it to cover around his body and then he had worn his robe, he deactivated it.

Jiang stared at Jun Tang who had a complex look on his face, "Master why have you come to find this disciple just now, I have come to seek your guidance numerous times but your doors where shut closed?".

Jun Tang didn't say anything and just kept staring at him with a more complex look, his brows where creased tightly, Jiang even felt a bit of killing intent coming out of him. "It's that voice" Jun Tang finally said.

"Young master, what's the problem" Jiang subconsciously took a step back, he could sense that something wasn't right as the dangerous vibe that was coming out of Jun Tang wasn't something that could be missed.

"I said we are going to spar, do not worry I won't bully you so begin." Jun Tang said and then he made a flicking motion with his fingers, anyone seeing him will feel like he did nothing, it was like he was flicking an invincible forehead but when Jiang felt a deadly pressure approaching his own forehead he quickly reactivated his piercing tornado dance and used the swirling tornado around his body to serve as defense but all it could do was lessen the impact he got. His forehead was still flicked and he was sent flying back into the lake water but since Jiang's body had become more durable, no serious damage was done but a mortals brain or if he himself had not just broken through his brain would have been squashed to mincemeat.

When Jiang came out of the water he looked at Jun Tang warily, he was drenched from head to toe with his robes clutching tightly on his skin, the night moonlight illuminated his body making him give out a more seductive sexy vibe but Jun Tang wasn't looking at all this, his eyes where stuck on red dotted mark on Jiang's forehead. He clenched his fist and momentarily shut his eyes, as he didn't know how to feel, he hated hurting that person but he couldn't stop his self from doing contrary to what his heart wanted.

"Master I don't mind sparring with you but I can't help but feel that you mind is not settled, Ca..." his words where cut short "If this master says you should spar with him then you do as told." Jun Tang loftily said.

"As you wish Master" Jiang immediately activated his piercing tornado dance that had been dispersed due to Jun Tang's previous attack.

The tornado that at first was only able to cover up to his head started to enlarge at a very fast pace, the wind blew violently, the trees in his courtyard were threatening to pull out of their root even the lake's surface behind him turned turbulent. Jiang's robes flapped about as he stood in the middle of the swirling tornado that served as his defense for the time being and when the tornado current had reached the limit that his level could carry Jiang took flight towards Jun Tang's direction.

Jiang's speed was so fast to the extent that most cultivators won't have been able to see. In a matter of seconds he was a few meters in front of Jun Tang who calmly observed Jiang. Jiang didn't know what he was thinking but he did as Jun Tang asked and attacked by concentrating the swirling tornado around his body to the point of his finger, he then condensed it into a more sturdier and visible sword.

This was sturdier than the one he had formed when he first made progress in the technique and he used all his strength to swing his sword towards Jun Tang's chest. The air blade that was formed from his attack was very large, sharp, extremely fast and intimidating but before it even got to Jun Tang it dispersed. The piercing tornado sword he had formed suddenly vibrated in his hands and a sharp pain shot up his arm making him let go of the sword which began to disperse in the air.

"Master that's not right, you said you wouldn't bully me so I thought you will suppress your level of cultivation and fight me seriously?" Jiang grudgingly said.

Jun Tang did as if he didn't hear Jiang "First lesson, no matter what, never lose focus, because of that small pain you actually let the sword formed from the piercing tornado dance technique disperse? ...Hmmm, if the first attack didn't work you could always attack again." Jun Tang said indifferently, no emotions could be seen in his face, he felt like his mind was everywhere, he really didn't want to believe that the person before him wasn't true, at least right now he was his disciple.

"Jun Tang, are you really well?, you don't look so good." Jiang asked while looking seriously distressed, he didn't care about how he addressed him right now, he was getting really worried with Jun Tang's recent behavior. First he ignores him for days and then he suddenly comes around and asks to spar, also he didn't even respect Jiang's privacy .... the normal Jiang won't have let it go so easily but something in him told him things weren't right with Jun Tang and at the moment he shouldn't be provoked.

Jun Tang who had been wrestling with himself in his mind on whether to trust what Lu Han said or not finally uttered "Who are you" it was so sudden and it gave Jiang quite a shock, Jun Tang took a step toward Jiang and Jiang took a step backwards with frighten eyes, "What did you say? What do you mean?" Jiang tried with difficulty to sound normal.

Jun Tang took another step forward again. "You are not general Lei's daughter? You are not young mistress Lei Yue!, How long did you think you could deceive me?, Make a mockery of me"  jun Tang's eyes's were becoming bloodshot, he was beginning to lose control, Jiang nervously took another step backwards, missed a step and clumsily fell into the lake again.


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