51- Jealous Of Oneself

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Jiang with that statement alone was been overly dramatic because he was an air elemental who knew flight chants so there was no way he could die from a fall like that, also after all his recent training his body had become very sturdy and even if he did fall at most there will be some broken bones and ribs and he will be in a lot of pain but he definitely won't die but at this point Jiang wasn't thinking straight.


As Fang Mu was about to continue with his scolding the chief eunuch voice sounded from outside the imperial study room "The leader of the sun moon night guards request to have an audience with your Majesty, may he proceed or retreat" Bai Kang had just arrived when he saw Lu Han by the door and a eunuch was about to announce his arrival so he decided to do this himself.

Bai Kang chose to stay away the study room when they arrived at the imperial palace a day ago because he knew that Fang Mu had a lot of pent up anger he wished to release and didn't want to be in the same room with the emperor when that happened but he never thought that Fang Mu will indirectly punish the emperor by piling a mountain of complain scrolls on his desk and then nag him for a whole day.

Fang Mu stared at the emperor who had just closed his eyes and was indicating in a lazy manner with his hands for the people outside to come in, he couldn't help but wonder how he expected them to know his intentions if he didn't speak up, this friend of his was really troublesome.

"His majesty wishes that you." Before Fang Mu could finish been the emperor's mouth piece Bai Kang had already open the study room door and walked in, as for Lu Han seeing Fang Mu wave at him that he could come along too, he stepped in and immediately kneeled down before the emperor.

"If Zhen remembers currently, Zhen gave you an important assignment to handle so why are you here?" Emperor Qin Jie Haung's who since he arrived had still be putting on Jun Tang's disguise removed his silvered mask and with the wave of his hands his black hooded robes seemed to have been replaced with an elegant red robes embroidery with golden stitches that formed the shape of a dragon at the tip of his sleeves, also his hood that was used to cover his red colored hair was replaced by a golden crown with his hair flowing behind him.

He didn't have that twenties appearance that the mask made people subconsciously think he was at that age but his looked instead reverted back to that of a sixteen-year-old, nevertheless he seem to be more intimidating and hard to approach than before, his whole continence had a huge change that was visible to the naked eyes.

Emperor Qin Jie Haung's was less strict to those he considered his close people but to his subordinates he wasn't that way at all, as a ruler of such a dynasty he couldn't remain at the top if he chose to be nice to everyone so he had two personalities, his gentle personality was only meant for a selected few while the one he is putting on now is the one known by most, majestic, intimidating, decisive and ruthless.

"Nucai came to give a report regarding the assignment your majesty" Lu Han brought out a pearl made of crystals and then placed it in front of the emperor who still had his eyes closed but nevertheless the pearl flew towards the emperor and then remained in front of him, this pearl was an artifact known as look view used in recording and without looking at it he knew that this must be a recorded event about his empress elect and he didn't want to watch it before all this busy bodies so he turned to face Fang Mu.

"Bai Kang, Fang Mu you may be excused now" the emperor said as he opened his eyes and stared at both of them seriously, Fang Mu brows creased, this was the first time that the emperor seem to want to hide something from him, He won't make a fuss now since one of his subordinate is here but later he must make this friend of his spill whatever he wishes to be kept a secret out.

Fang Mu bowed slightly and then started heading out while Bai Kang had his mouth wide open for a while before saying "Zhuren, this isn't right, we are supposed to be like the moon and the stars in the sky, we shouldn't ever hide anything from one another" Bai Kang would have continued lamenting if he didn't feel the cold shill his Zhuren was emitting out of his body.

Bai Kang in other to prevent getting himself killed without a body remaining hurriedly scurried out of the study room leaving only the emperor and Lu Han Behind.

"Is the reason why you went against my order recorded here and is the reason good enough to make Zhen spare your life for disobeying me" As those words came out of emperor Qin Jie Haung's mouth his fiery red eyes seem to glow even more fierily and Lu Han who was kneeling on the grown began to sweat profusely, when the emperor ordered the rest to leave the room, he really wanted to follow them.

"Your majesty, its been two months since the ballot pick ceremony" Lu Han didn't have to continue explaining himself because the emperor seems to have understood why he left Jiang to his own devices, His Jiang had to rely on himself.

The emperor infused his mana into the look view artifact and then it vibrated a bit, its pearl like shape began to reshape and after a flash of light a screen appeared before him "You may leave" after saying that all his attention was focused on the recording playing before him and didn't even take note of when Lu Han left the study room.

Emperor Qin Jie Haung seeing Jiang in the look view screen crying his heart out felt so bad for been the reason Jiang is this way, he hated himself for not been in control then, another wave of regret came over him.

He could feel Jiang's anger, hate and despair and the trigger for all these negative emotions was no other person but himself, if he wanted to take revenge for Jiang then shouldn't he start with himself, he felt like he was no different from those monsters that were supposed to be related by blood to Jiang because the way he sees it he has caused Jiang even more pain than them since he was the first-person Jiang regarded as important after his mother.

When it reached the part where Jiang said "I don't know how or when it started, we barely even know each other but I think I like him mother, I really like Jun Tang and not in a brother kind or friend kind of way, its so not manly of me but I can't control this feelings and that's why among all those who hurt me he is the one I can't ever forgive because even if I never admitted it, I trusted Jun Tang to be the only one that will never hurt me" the emperor after hearing this felt both happy and sad.

Happy that he was liked and sad that he couldn't be forgiven but after thinking deeply the emperor's brain seemed to have logged off because the happiness disappeared and what remained was just sadness and jealousy " Why does my empress have to like Jun Tang in that way and be so sad to the point that he can't even forgive Jun Tang, the person my Jianger should be liking is me, emperor Qin Jie Haung, You are Qin Jie Haung empress elect so how can you be liking someone else in that way, don't you know your actions can be seen as treason" the emperor said while pointing at the screen and questioning the Jiang who was speaking to himself within the screen.

Its times like this that one can't help but feel the emperor and Jiang are alike in some ways which is they can be overly dramatic and unreasonable sometimes. The emperor was jealous of his own self.

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