50- Real Men Don't Cry

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A/N: Hi Friends i am really sorry for the delay and also for having to upload this chapter without it been EDITED, I have been waiting on my precious Editor to Edit the chapters i sent to her but she have been too occupied and due to the fact that i couldn't keep you guys waiting i had to just upload the Unedited version but i hope you like it and when i do Edit it you will be the first to know. Love Ya all.    


Jiang was tempted to send his spirit into the space and confirm his assumptions but he had something more important to do and that was leaving Jun Tang's manor.


Jiang hurriedly walked towards the manor door leading to outside the manor, He didn't want to meet up with Jun Tang because right now he didn't know how to deal with him, he felt his heart ache more than ever before, he had never felt so much heartbreak before not even when his dearest mother left him and to think that the reason he was in such a state was because of Jun Tang made Jiang hate. Jun Tang to the bones for what he did to him.

Jiang felt so sad and depressed to the point that he wanted to cry his eyes out, he had felt this way a number of times but Jiang always had the opinion that such behavior doesn't belong to a real man and real men don't cry so he always tried to bottled up all his depressing emotions, sometimes he succeeded while other times he gave in to his emotions but most times he wished he didn't give in to such emotions that ultimately made him look weak and like a girl and this time around he didn't feel he would be strong enough to act like the idle real man he had in his head.

He really hated whinnying and crying like a girl over things that he tried to convince himself weren't worth it.

As Jiang thought about Jun Tang he was more confident in his decision to leave this place that brought him so much happiness but mostly sorrow, this fact he really didn't want to admit.

Jiang walked with determined steps to the manor's door and didn't hesitant to push the door open and walk through it.

Jiang after walking through the door believed he had experienced this sensation he was feeling now when he first passed through the door that led him and the little eunuch out of the imperial palace and to the main palace, it was like space twisted and his surrounding was completely in darkness, when he was eventually able to see clearly he was standing by a cliff, Just one step forward and he would have fallen down "Damn Jun Tang, this is definitely his doing, he wants me to fall to my death" Jiang said as he looked indifferently at his surroundings.

Jiang with that statement alone was been overly dramatic because he was an air elemental who knew flight chants so there was no way he could die from a fall like that, also after all his recent training his body had become very sturdy and even if he did fall at most there will be some broken bones and ribs and he will be in a lot of pain but he definitely won't die but at this point Jiang wasn't thinking straight.

The more he looked at the cliff and his surroundings the more he thought it was Jun Tang's doing, he believed that either Jun Tang wanted him to fall off the cliff or to be lost in this huge forest with abnormally tall trees and without realizing it the tears that he had held in since he woke up began falling down like a flood.

"Real men don't cry, this young master won't ever cry" but who was Jiang kidding the more he didn't want to cry, the more he tried to hold back his tears the more the tears kept coming, drenching him in his sorrow.

Jiang walked away from the cliff area and walked towards a tree, he wanted to vent his pent-up anger and he could only take it out on the tree before him by punching it until his knuckles bled.

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