32 - To Kill Or Not To Kill

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to my followers/ readers for always coming back here to read my story, I really appreciate YOU.

This chapter have been EDITED by queenLysh  but while reading if you notice any more mistakes for example grammatical errors, please let me know. Thanks.



He wanted to see the face of the panting mess of a person before him so he separated from Jiang and instinctively moved his hands to completely unveil his Yuer face, He have been indecisive whenever it comes to unveiling young mistress Lei Yun but this time around his curiosity got the better of him, damn with the consequences, he will face his Yuer's fury head on.  


Jun Tang separated his lips from Jiang, the now soaked veil had saliva dripping down from it, Jiang's eyes were watery and dull looking, He was panting hard and trying to catch his breath. Jun Tang felt an itch in his heart, he lifted his hands towards the unknowing and unguarded Jiang's veil, he wanted to immediately rip it off and his heart beat quicken due to the excitement he was feeling. He couldn't wait to see that face but before his hands could reach its target an annoying voice caught his attention and he froze in place while Jiang felt like cold water had been splash on him waking him up from the dizzy spell he was in after hearing that sharp furious voice.

"You slut, Empress Elect you dare to shame the emperor in such a manner, I was right about you all along, you do not deserve that title" Wang Xiu shouted spitefully as she stamped her foot on the floor, her eyes were so red and if they could kill Jiang thought he would have died long ago.

"Young Mistress Lei Yue when I return to the imperial palace the emperor will surely hear of your shameful and scandalous dealings with that scoundrel, Note this, Your days are numbered." Wang Wei looked just as angry as his sister as they both spoke quickly then hurried away.

Jun Tang had released them when Jiang requested it but it took them some time to adjust their body condition to a state where they could actually move and when both Wang Wei and Wang Xiu were able to stop twitching on the ground due to the excessive pain that was inflicted on them earlier and stood up to silently depart what they saw shocked them completely to the extent that they couldn't hold their tongue no matter what but they also knew their opponent wasn't someone they could defeat in a fight so after speaking their mind they both used various movement techniques to escape from the man with the silver mask.

Previously both Wang Xiu and Wang Wei didn't just notice the kiss but also as Jiang tried to struggled free from the silver masked man's embrace but they decided to conveniently ignore that aspect. Their intentions were not so righteously inclined when they condemned Jiang because at the bottom of their heart they felt jealous of Young mistress Lei Yue, not only did she have the empress elect title she could even entice sure a devilishly handsome powerful figure.

Although Jun Tang's face was covered with a silver mask and the only thing visible on his face was his red lips and red eyes, his eyes where somewhat unlike the emperors but both siblings believed it was nevertheless just as beautiful, The silver mask covering Jun Tang's face couldn't hide his charm, it could be felt from miles away, moreover they noticed that the mask he was putting on was no ordinary mask, when he frown or smiled at Young mistress Lei Yue at the time he had just arrived and had not yet noticed what they had done to her, the mask clearly portrayed his every expression and in that instant they both were bedazzled, that lasted until he began to torture the hell out them on behalf of the treacherous young mistress Lei Yue, that view of Lei Yue only belonged to them.

Jiang felt truly ashamed after hearing what they had to say, he couldn't refute their words because truly at this moment he belonged to the emperor and shouldn't have allowed anyone touch him so easily. Even if he planned on leaving the palace in the future when he is able to stand firm on his own two feet, he felt he shouldn't shame the emperor's name or his own while he was still seeking a kind of asylum at the palace.

He still felt he had a better chance surviving in the palace than out there where all his family wanted was to get rid of him immediately because as of right now he is like a thorn in their flesh. They wanted him dead before he entered the palace so that their secret will be forever hidden but now that he escaped their clutches they won't stop trying so he needs to get stronger quickly and make sure to preserve his life well before he do.

Jiang truly believed that at least in the palace he can strive to increase his strength with a peace of mind and only defend his life when he is fighting an opponent but outside the palace he is certain his father won't just send one person after him. Another important point was that when on the run where will there be time to cultivate thus the result will be that he will quickly be silenced.

Jun Tang didn't like that Yuer looked hurt and had removed herself from his embrace, she also looked extremely troubled about the threat they just made, and her brows were creased tightly as she thought deeply.

He turned and looked at the two retreating figure who looked like their feet were on fire and wanted nothing more than to get away from no difference pavilion and on seeing them flee desperately. Jun Tang seem to have thought of something so he looked towards his Yuer's direction and flashed him that smile that never failed to make Jiang shuddered, Jiang knew what was to come from that mouth wouldn't be pleasing to his ears.

"Yuer if you are so scared that they will expose our little dirty secret to the emperor I could just kill them for you, the choice is in your hands", a mischievous smile was playing on his lips as he stared into Jiang's eyes and tried to lean closer. Jiang abruptly stood up from his previously squatting position and further distanced himself from Jun Tang with Jun Tang following suit by standing straight on the opposite side of him.

"I will say this for the last time Jun Tang, I will not permit you acting inappropriately before me and if you try to repeat what just happened a second time even if I cannot win in a struggle against you I can still end my life." Jiang said seriously but in his head he was singing a different tune entirely, he rolled his eyes at his own self, there was no way he was going to kill himself, absolutely no way.

"Fine, I won't do anything you do not approve of so how about my proposal, to kill or not to kill" Jun Tang was still smiling as he said such wicked words and this made Jiang shiver all over as he stares into those charming yet deadly looking eyes.



Quick Question, Do you think Jun Tang will Kill them with or without Jiang's answer?


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