26- Cutivation Technique PT 1

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Author's Note :Please don't forget to VOTE my lovely, wonderful and awesome readers and Thanks for doing so.

This chapter have not been Edited so take NOTE.


"Yuer my dear be good, I am taking you to get a very good and suitable cultivation technique" He said as he ruffled Jiang's long black hair, beneath the veil Jiang was blushing hard, As for Jun Tang calling Yuer his became so natural for him, he had claimed Yuer without realizing it.


As Jiang and Jun Tang stepped out of the inn, all the people that had lost themselves while staring at two felt like they had a rude awakening.

Discussions in the inn broke out amongst groups "I never knew gods and goddesses lived among us"

"Who are those two?, With such an aura and charm they should be pretty popular" A man with white robes, green eyes and green hair asked the people before him but his question went unanswered since all his companions were as clueless as him but curious nevertheless.

"Did you see the young miss with the thick veil?, Her skin practically glowed, it was so white and looked so tender" A thin youth that looked like he hadn't eaten in ages spoke as he drank a huge bowl of soup.

"Who didn't see her?, I am sure underneath that veil is a beauty that could cause the down fall of dynasties" A long white bearded old man replied the youth with disdain in his eyes, he felt that the youth didn't have to state the obvious.

While such conversations went on in the inn Jun Tang had already whisked Jiang away.

When Jiang saw himself in front of no difference pavilion and in Jun Tang's arms, he was confused because he didn't know how they got there, it wasn't even up to a second ago that they left the inn.

Jun Tang had told him "We will be leaving now Yuer" then he pulled Jiang with the hand that was intertwined with his towards himself, Jiang's was caught off guard and even when he realised his body was going to crash hard with Jun Tang's chest there was nothing he could do about it.

Because of the speed in which he approached Jun Tang he was certain his body was going to feel real pain, he even closed his eyes so as not to see the moment of impact but what he felt was completely different from what he expected, his body smoothly settled into Jun Tang's arms "Off we go" Jun Tang said.

Even with Jiang's eyes closed he knew the person before him was smirking when he said "Scared Yuer"  in passing and chuckled lightly, Jiang immediately open his eyes after hearing those words, he felt a bit embarrassed because he really was scared of feeling pain but what he saw rendered him speechless and confused.

He didn't even feel the breeze against their skin which means they didn't fly or run to no difference pavilion, So how did Jun Tang get them to here? , That was Jiang's big question.

His little brain could not comprehend how fast a person will need to be to be able to achieve such a might.

Jiang felt like his brain was going to get fried if he kept thinking about this issue moreover Jun Tang didn't give him the chance to think since he just dragged him towards the entrance of no difference pavilion.

This time around there was no roars coming from the ferocious mystical beasts because none of them were first timers to no difference pavilion.

The moment the got in Jun Tang dragged Jiang like he had been doing all day towards the cultivation shelves section.

A pleasant yet familiar voice drifted towards their direction "Young Mistress" Jiang recognised the voice and then stopped in his footsteps and turned around, he was surprised to see Chen with swollen eyes, he looked like he had not slept in ages.

"Attendant Chen, what happened to you? You don't look well?" Jiang asked worriedly, Chen didn't answered and his face seemed to have paled an additional degree as he stared at somewhere, He was lost in thoughts.

"Attendant Chen" Jiang called out to him again while looking truly concerned, it was then he noticed that Chen was staring at his hands that were still intertwined with Jun Tang's . Jiang quickly pulled his hands away from Jun Tang's once he noticed this, it wasn't that Jiang suddenly grew stronger and could free himself from Jun Tang's hold but it was that Jun Tang didn't think Jiang will do that.

When Jun Tang realized what had happened, he didn't feel good and the fact that his Yuer pulled his hands from his because of another man made his expression darken even more.

Chen let out a relieved sigh as he said "Young mistress I am fine, I have just been having a lot of work to do lately and so I haven't rested much, it's just stress so do not worry about this humble servant " although Jiang believed his every word but Jun Tang didn't.

Jun Tang was furious that another man had designs for his woman, he wanted to snap this so called Chen's neck or better still look into his life and rearrange his past so that he would have never met his Yuer.

Jun Tang even when as far as reasoning that he could do that to every man his Yuer had met, He was a Seer and had the power to change and rearrange fates if he chose to, he had reached such a level in his cultivation long ago but the price for doing such a thing was one he didn't wish to find out, he never liked to tamper with people's fate and he wasn't going to start now but if this Chen provoked him further he might just tamper with his fate.

"Are you sure it's just stress?" Jiang asked and before Chen could reply somebody else did it for him "Yuer, If he said its just stress then it's just stress, Can we now go and get that cultivation technique" Jun Tang took a hold of Jiang hands again, glared fierily at Chen before dragging the unwilling Jiang away.

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Next Chapter Coming Soon.
This Chapter have not been EDITED.


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