40- Sparing Part 1

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EDITED BY queenLysh 



  Thinking of the past made the emperor's head hurt "I shouldn't have so easily given my heart away! I should have known better!, no one from General Lei is a saint, I wont be like my father, i wont be fooled." Those were the only words he uttered in the two days he remained enclosed in his room and when morning came in those days Jiang found out that he couldn't get into Jun Tang's courtyard for some reason. 


That night after practice Jiang decided to check on Jun Tang again but the door of the north wing where tightly shut. "Master Jun Tang", Jiang called out loudly, hoping that his words would be heard. After trying numerous times until his voice began to sound hoarse Jiang got no response so he dejectedly left.

When Jiang arrived in his room, he sat immediately in meditation because when practicing the piercing tornado dance earlier he had a feeling like he was about to make a breakthrough. He was excited about this and wanted to share it with Jun Tang but he couldn't be reached and he felt like he was being avoided but then again Jiang reasoned that Jun Tang had no reason to avoid him thus he was puzzled as to what was happening.

No matter how much Jiang tried to mediate he seemed to be distracted, his heart felt restless and he couldn't pin point the reason why. Jiang then decided to enter the space in his space ring hoping to be able to concentrate better there.

Jiang closed his eyes and entered the space in the space ring and his nostrils where immediately bombarded with the thick scent of medicinal herbs which startled him. Jiang felt like he was in the wrong place so he exited and then reentered the space again but was still met with the same scenery...apart from the pavement that now led to the small room within the space, everywhere else had turned into a beautifully arranged medicinal garden and was filled with medicinal herbs. These herbs that looked like the ones that would have grown from the seedlings he had bought from no difference pavilion and had kept in the small shelf case in the room.

Jiang first took in the rich scent of the medicinal herbs and his restless mind seemed to calm down a bit then he hurried towards the room at the end of the pavement, when he got there he immediately went to check for his seedlings, herbs and pills that he kept in the small shelf there but except for the pills in the small jade bottle everything else was gone.

Jiang rushed back outside and looked at the garden again, he had planned to come and plant this seedling himself but he never got to doing it and now it had all been magically planted, even the herbs that he planned on using to practice his pill making where all planted too, he didn't even know how that was possible.

After thinking deeply Jiang decided that all this must have been the doing of the heavenly jade cauldron spirit, Jiang eyes swelled up when he thought about how much his late mother had done for him and by giving him that space ring she hadn't only give him a second chance at life but also a means to survive this harsh world and a helper as well.

Jiang went back into the room and took the vitalizing enhance pill from the jade bottle because it would assist him in both cleansing his body and breaking into the next realm. He had long waited for this moment and couldn't wait to advance to his next level in cultivation. He chose to sit cross legged in front of the small room door overlooking the garden as he cleared his mind and with the serene environment Jiang was finally able to properly enter a meditation state.

Jiang then threw the vitalizing enhance pill into his mouth, he felt a cold sensation all over his body which made him shiver slightly and as the pill went downwards and settled inside his stomach and melted. Within a flash the cold sensation turned violently hot.

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