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                       Author's POV


Who is Starfire?
Well to Beast Boy Starfire is a treasured friend and the closest thing to a sister he's ever had. Starfire always laughs at his jokes even if she doesn't understand them or when they aren't that funny. Starfire is smart and loving. A provider of comfort when Terra left, and now gives relationship advice for him and Raven. She is the embodiment of joy and love. She was first person Beast Boy had ever known to jump to his defense in the face of danger, before the other Titans. So it makes sense that Beast Boy would go to the ends of the earth to protect his surrogate sister as she would willingly do the same for him. Starfire is the one thing that keeps them together.


To Cyborg Starfire is like the little sister he never knew he wanted. Starfire is always willing to help him and offer reassurance when he needs it. She is also a great wrestling partner and even though Cyborg is super strong and has muscles enhanced through technology he still winds up losing more often that not to the warrior princess's alien strength. But he knows she would never actually hurt him, as he would never hurt her. She's a little lady with a kick. She's fierce and loyal to the whole team and never hesitates to come and rescue him when he needs it. Starfire is  one of the people that he could never bear to lose. Cyborg will make sure that as long as he's living they never will. Starfire is the only person that can make them all feel safe and holds them together.


Starfire is, to put it quite simply, the best friend and sister that Raven thought she never wanted. But she was proven wrong. Since they were the only two females on the team it was inevitable that they would share some sort of bond, but Raven never expected it to go this deep. Raven does things with Starfire that she never would have had the guts to do on her own. For example, Raven never thought she would enjoy shopping and certainly never saw herself happy when wearing short skirts or other tight fitting clothes and never thought she would feel confident in them. Starfire exudes confidence so maybe it was also inevitable that her confidence would extend to Raven as well. Starfire made Raven feel feminine and strong. Teaching Raven that you can be beautiful and smart. Thanks to Starfire Raven actually enjoys being a girl and getting dressed up sometimes and painting her nails.(and so does Beast Boy.) Raven also discovered that she liked talking about boys and eating ice cream together and watching chick flicks when it was their time of the month. Raven knows that Starfire is a one in a million kind of girl and is never to be taken for granted. Raven makes sure to tell Starfire this when she is in need of comfort. Raven knows that nothing she could ever do to return the favor but will never stop trying. Starfire is the mender of hearts and the force that drives them closer to each other.


Starfire is, in Robin's eyes a goddess that had, in some miraculous way, fell in love with him. With hair so brilliantly red that it could rival the setting sun, eyes that glittered and shone more than any emerald ever could and curves that Robin is sure must make Aphrodite jealous. Yes Robin thinks she is obviously a lost goddess. Starfire is his light, the reason he keeps on fighting. Starfire is his strongest ally and his greatest weakness. Robin fell in love with her the moment he met her. Starfire is the strongest person he knows and can be fiercer than a hurricane or any other force of nature yet can be as gentle as an ocean breeze that tickles your nose and sways your hair. She is sweet and innocent but can be downright seductive and dangerous. Starfire is a strong and formidable force to be reckoned with. Yet she can comfort him with just a hug or a simple glance. She is a warrior and a princess, a motivator and a distraction. Starfire is calm and kind yet wild and exotic. Starfire is what every woman on earth wishes they could be. Starfire is a leader of her people and commands the highest respect but treats everyone equally, never putting herself before others. Starfire is Robin's joy and hope. She's the only thing that can keep him together when he so desperately wants to fall apart. She's his shooting Star and his lucky charm. To put it all together Starfire is Robin's home.

The Titans may disagree on many things, whether it be who's better at what or what they should eat. But they can all agree on one thing. Starfire is their reason for being a team, she held them together and created an everlasting bond with them as they have with each other. To put it quite simply Starfire was their glue.

                            The End

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