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perrieedwards:How are you?



perrieedwards:I'm great actually:))

perrieedwards:You wouldn't believe what just happened today at work

jadethirlwall:Omg tell me

perrieedwards:Okok so

perrieedwards:First of all I have a week off which is great



perrieedwards:I might work as a model at NMA!!!!

jadethirlwall:Nooo wayyy!!!!

perrieedwards:I'M SO HAPPY!!!😄

jadethirlwall:Me too baby congrats!!🎉

perrieedwards:Thank you😊

jadethirlwall:I think you deserve a reward😏

perrieedwards:Nah I'm good

perrieedwards:The 1.000.000$ is a good reward for me I don't need anything else:)

jadethirlwall:Your loss Edwards;)

perrieedwards:If you say so,Thirlwall;)

perrieedwards:And oh yeah...STOP CALLING ME 'BABY'



perrieedwards:Fuck off😒

jadethirlwall:I would rather fuck you😏


jadethirlwall:Yes baby.What's the matter?

perrieedwards:Jade stop!

jadethirlwall:Okay baby.If you say so


perrieedwards:I'm bored Jeed

jadethirlwall:Okay let's do something

jadethirlwall:I HAVE AN IDEA!!😏

perrieedwards:Me too🙂

perrieedwards:Let's cook!

jadethirlwall:And how are we supposed to do it?I'm not there😔

jadethirlwall:But I could be😏

perrieedwards:Wait uhm let's...ughh idk

perrieedwards:God I can't belive I'm saying this but...

perrieedwards:Let's facetime...

jadethirlwall:Omg rly???

perrieedwards:Yeah why not.In that way I'll see if you're a pedophile or not:))

jadethirlwall:Well yeah agree=))

perrieedwards:Kay let's do it!


Perrie went in to her kitchen and placed the phone on the counter"Let's do it!"

"Perrie can you see me?"She heard a cute voice but didn't see anything"Jade are you there?"

In the next few seconds a black piece of t-shirt moved in the front of the camera"Jade I think your hand is covering the camera"Perrie said amused.

"Oh!"the camera was shaken then a beautiful tiny brunette appeared on the screen"Uhm hi!"She said smiling and waved at Perrie who waved back.

"So now you know that I'm not an old pedophile"she giggled"Yeah sorry for saying that."

"No problem".

They stood there for a few minutes until Perrie decided to speak"Let's cook then!"

"Okay,first of all I want to tell you that I'm not a good cook so I will need all of your advice"Perrie said holding a spoon"Don't worry Pezz I will help you".

The time passed by and Perrie almost finished the lasagna"And now....let's put some mozzarella on it...That's it!"

"Well done blondie!It looks so delicious I wish I was there cause damn I love lasagna"

"Oh well...I'll think of you when I eat it"Perrie smiled at her"Do you have something important to do now?"the blonde asked while she took the sponge and began to clean the counter.

"Nope,why?""Because I really don't wanna clean that mess alone.I mean I will clean it by myself but at least you're at the phone and I have someone to talk to."

"Okay so now the meal is in the oven,the kitchen is clean...I should go and have a shower.Talk to you later on instagram?"Perrie said taking the phone and walking into her bedroom.

"Sure!DM me whenever you want"

"Okay bye Jade and thank you for everything!"Perrie waved at the brunette and blew a kiss to her.

"Omg I caught it!Bye Perrie and it was my pleasure!"Jade said waving back and blowing a kiss as well.
So now Perrie knows how Jade looks like yayy:))

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