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**1 month later**

"Jadey I got an email.Could you please open it for me?I'm kinda busy right now"Perrie said looking at her polished nails.

"Sure babe,wait a min"Jade said getting up and walking to the laptop.

A few minutes passed and Jade didn't say a word"Jade!Did you open it?"Perrie said looking up at Jade who was sitting on the couch with the laptop on her lap and her mouth wide open.

"Jade?"Perrie asked again a bit worried.Jade shook her head then came back to reality.

"Yeah I-I opened it...Pezz?Come here."Jade said still in shock.Perrie got up and walked over to Jade"What's up?"she bent over and read the mail.

"Holymotherfuckingshit!"she shouted kissing Jade.

"Jade aren't you happy for me?I got promoted!I'll walk on the runway!Omg!Let's read more!"Perrie said sitting next to Jade and scrolling down.

"Holy shit!Fashion week!"Jade widened her eyes"God Pezz that means a lot!"

"I FUCKING KNOW!OH MY-NO I CAN'T!"she said panicked.

"What?Why not?Of course you can!"Jade put the laptop away.

"No I mean...What if something goes wrong?I have to walk perfectly. What if I fall?And I must have a very good posture.What if-"

"Oh just shut up!Everything will be alright"Jade said trying to calm down the blonde.

"How do you know?"Perrie said massaging her temples.

"Because I belive in you"Jade said caressing her hair.

"Fashion week here I come!"Perrie said getting up.

"Wait.you were promoted.That means..."Jade paused for a while"That you should move to New York"she finally said in a sad tone.

"Noo?WE should move to New York?"Perrie said,more asked,and pointed to them both.

"No babe.WE can't.My job is here.It's the job I've always wanted to get and I worked so hard to get where I am right now...and you worked hard to get there,to New York City so you should go"Jade said looking away but Perrie shook her head.

"I'm not going anywhere without you"She said hugging Jade.

"Yes you are.I don't care if I have to kick your ass out,but you will go"Jade said taking the suitcase"Now would you help me?"Perrie nodded slightly and went upstairs with Jade.

"Okay the luggage is done.Now let's spend our time together"Jade said throwing the bag next to the others.

"Right!Wait we were so excited that we forgot to read the details.Like the time"Perrie said taking Jade's hand"Let's see"she said dragging the brunette.

"October 22nd...that's tomorrow..."Jade said cheerless.

"Yeah...Well we still have a whole day to spend together,let's not waste it!"Perrie said excited trying to cheer up the older geordie.

"Okay that was fun,what's next?"

"What about...some karaoke?"Perrie said grabbing the mics and turning on the X-Box"

"JUST SAY YOU FEEL THE WAY THAT I FEEL!I'M FEELING SEXUAL,SO WE SHOULD BE SEXUAL!"They both sang from the tops of their lungs.

"Shall we?"Perrie smirked teasing Jade.

"Hmm dunno,what if..."Jade acted like she was thinking about something but instead of that she pushed Perrie on the couch and climbed on her lap,straddling the blonde.

"I-I can't take it anymore"Perrie panted breathless and Jade pulled her fingers out.

"I'm not surprised!After 6 rounds..."Jade joked getting a pinch from Perrie.

"Help me get up and shut your mouth!"Perrie tried to act serious but she giggled when Jade raised an eyebrow.

"Naw,let's cuddle!"she said with a weird accent that made Perrie burst into laughter.

"Okeay you kiddo"

"Oh God it's already 11pm,we should go to sleep!"Jade exclaimed looking at her phone.

"Noooo I don't want this to be over"Perrie mumbled on Jade's arm.

"Baby look at me"Jade said turning around and grabbing Perrie's hands"We can make it work out even if an ocean will be between us,okay?We'll see each other through FaceTime,I'll text you how often I can...Don't worry about that"she cupped Perrie's face"I wanna see you smiling"Perrie gave Jade a small smile before they smashed their lips together.

"Okay let's get some rest now"
"So the luggage is in the car,my bag is in the car,we are in the car...that's all,let's go!"Jade said to the driver.

On their way to the airport Perrie grabbed Jade's hand and squeezed it while she looked away.Jade noticed that.She looked down at their intertwined hands and squeezed Perrie's hand as well.

"We're here,ladies"the driver announced them.He parked the car and helped Perrie and Jade to get out of the car"I'll take the luggage"he said opening the car trunk.

"Gate 13"Perrie said looking at the ticket.

"Oh the flight will take off in about 8 minutes"James announced them.They rushed to the Gate 13.

"I think that's it..."Perrie said holding Jade's hand and looking into the brunette's hazel eyes.

"I love you Perrie,don't ever forget that!"Jade said kissing Perrie.

"I love you too"the blonde said after she pulled back"Don't ever forget that"she pecked Jade's lips again.

"Okay ladies I think Perrie has to go"James said a bit sad as well.

"Yeah right"they both said staring into each other's eyes.They hugged and kissed for one last time before Perrie grabbed her bag and walked through the gate.

Before she got inside the plane she turned around one more time and waved to Jade who was holding back her tears and waved as well.James was already crying his eyes out while waving.Perrie mouthed a "bye" and got inside.

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