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"Phone checked!Keys checked!Okay Perrie let's go!"Perrie told herself while she got out of the house and locked the door.

"Perrie oh God I thought you will be late.Okay my little sunshine let's help you to get ready"Josh put his hands on Perrie's shoulders and pushed her on the makeup chair"Vanja do your best!"He said then left.

"Oh!My!Lipstick!You look fabulous Perr!"Josh said in awe while scanned the blonde from head to toe"Jeremyah is waiting outside.Let's go!"

They got into the car which drove them to the NMA's building.Josh helped Perrie to get out then checked her one more time"Okay everything is alright.You're ready!Let's get inside".

Perrie held Josh's hand and pulled him closer so she can whisper in his ear"Josh,this building is huge,everyone is staring and I will wee my pants""Don't worry hun I'll be here with you Plus you don't have any reason to be nervous.I mean,look at you!You're perfect!"He said making Perrie smile.

They got into the studio they were told.Over 10 people were there running with million photos in their hands,editing on computers or setting the equipment for a new photoshoot.

A red haired lady approached Perrie and Josh"Hello!You must be Perrie Edwards.I'm Maya Williams!"she said nicely.

"Hi miss Williams!I'm Josh and miss Edwards right here is my client.I was called by a NMA's representative and I was told to bring this beauty to the agency today"

"Yes that's right.We saw a few photos of her and we were impressed"Maya looked to Perrie and smiled"I see that you're ready.I have to say that your makeup is on point"she winked making Perrie giggle.

"Okay Perrie you will come with me in the studio B where everything is already setted.Mr Josh can wait right here as he is not allowed"She said tapping Josh's shoulder"Why am I not allowed?"

"Cause it's her first time here and as she will see in a few minutes many stuff happens,it would be hard for her to focus and if you were there it would be harder.That's why we don't let other persons beside the employees and the models enter there"Maya explained making Perrie more nervous.

"Let's go darling"She took Perrie's hand.

Maya opened a huge door which had 'studio B' written on it.As they got inside Perrie's eyes widened.The room was huge.There were white or multi-colored sheets on the walls and on the floor,sorrounded by lights and cameras.As Maya said the room was so crowded with people doing their work.

"Don't worry they will leave when the phtoshoot starts.I told Josh what I said cause I really don't want him here.He is so annoying during photoshoots"Maya rolled her eyes"Wait.Do you know him?"

"Unfortunately.You're not his first client"she said smiling"Okay Perrie let's go to the wardrobe"

"You will be dressed like this in the first photos then you'll wear that dress.At the end you will wear a leather jacket with ripped jeans"

Perrie got dressed in the first outfit.As she stepped in the studio everyone turned to look at her.Maya held her hand and dragged her to the platform"The photographer should be here in a few minutes.You just wait there and no stress.You'll be great!"

Perrie stood there until a brown haired girl stormed into the studio"SORRY!I KNOW I'M LATE!"She shouted and ran out to her office"I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!"she shouted again.

In a few minutes the girl was back,looking down at her camera"Alright let's start!"She said lifting her head up.

Perrie's POV

I watched the photographer as she came back,looking down at her camera.

"Alright let's start!"She said lifting her head up.Wait...Omg!Jade?!

"Jade?"I asked approaching her"Hey Pezz"she smiled and waved at me"What are you doing here?"

"I work here"She chuckled"What?!Why didn't you tell me that?"I whisper-yelled.

"Umm...I wanted it to be a surprise?"She said it more like a question"So you're the photographer I was waiting for?"

"Yeah.That's me.Now..."She whispered then she began to speak louder"Miss Edwards get in the position,I don't have the whole day!"She said bossy making me frown but I did as I was told.Jade started laughing"I was joking Pezz.Relax!We have enough time.Just be natural and have fun!"

An hour and a half later the photoshoot was over"Thank you Perrie!You were the best model I've ever photographed"Jade said making me giggle"Yeah you're definitely the Jade I know.Just she would say something smooth to flatter me"

"Well..."She gave me a huge smile.I got dressed in my outfit and I got a text from Josh which said that he had an emergency or something like that and that he had to leave.Great!

"What's the matter,blondie?"I lifted my head up from my phone to see Jade"Josh left me here"I said annoyed"And?"She asked me smiling like an idiot and I swear that I want to slap her right now"And?And I have to walk home.It's cold outside and oh yeah I live in the opposite side of London"

"Oh.Uhm then I think I could drive you home.Only if you want to"I thought for a minute"Hmm...well why not.But!When we approach my house I'll get out of your car and you WON'T follow me!"Jade rolled her eyes"Okay..."


Perrie fell asleep when they were nearly her house.Jade wanted to wake her up and do as they planned but she couldn't wake up the blonde who was sleeping like a baby.

Hehe now I don't regret anymore that I took a look on her documents.Let's see...I think that should be her house.Jade thought and parked the car on the path.

She got out of the car and walked to Perrie's side.She opened the door and carried Perrie in bridal style to her house door.

Thank God she's holding the keys in her hand.Jade took the keys from her and unlocked the door.She went upstairs and put Perrie in bed.Jade closed the curtains and noticed that a storm started.She was about to leave when Perrie opened her eyes a bit"Jade...please stay"she said with a husky voice"

"Are you sure?"Jade turned around and raised an eyebrow"Yeah...".A big smile placed on Jade's face and she took her jacket off then got in bed,next to the blonde.

Hehe over 1100 words hell yeah✌🏻

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