• t w e n t y •

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Virgil woke up a few hours earlier than usual. It's currently 5 am, and the other three sides were still fast asleep. He felt like he knew something, as if it was just there inside his mind, except he couldn't remember.

It's been three days, and those three days were hell. Roman didn't seem like his normal self anymore. The late night stories, the 2 am texts, the cuddles, the affectionate insults... they just stopped. Logan and Patton had their own moments wherein they also didn't seem like themselves, but it was less frequent, so he didn't really mind.



son: @//ro, we need to talk.

dad 1: Are you two doing okay?

train engine: Wait, something's wrong???

son-in-law: What about

son: can we talk in person?

son-in-law: I'd rather stay in my room, thanks 🙄

train engine: Um, excuse me? Did you just use the eye roll emoji?

son: fine. if you're gonna be like that, then i guess i'll have to tell you through text.

dad 2: This will not end well, will it?

dad 1: Don't think like that!


3 messages from sunshine

sunshine: roman.

sunshine: fucking stop that attitude!

sunshine: if you want this relationship to work, then stop being so weird! who are you even anymore?!

moon: I'm sorry if I let you down, dearest. I won't ever break up with you, especially now that you probably need me to be there for you.

moon: I don't feel like me, okay? I don't feel like I'm the one who's there with you, I don't feel like I'm the one who's texting you, and I don't feel like I'm the one that can help you. I'm sorry.

sunshine: one, what do you mean "especially now"?! two, are you suddenly possessed or something?!

moon: Look Virge, I love you and all, but right now isn't the best time. Maybe later when I've taken some meds, okay? Love you lots xx





"I can't trust any of them, can I?" Virgil mutters to himself as he runs to Roman's room. He couldn't help being worried. His boyfriend is on medication, but why? What's he taking? He doesn't know why everyone leaves him out of everything. It doesn't matter if he's in danger, if Roman is suffering because of something he caused, he'll take the risk.

He tries everything to break down the door, forgetting that he knows how to pick locks.

"Gosh, I'm such an idiot," He tells himself as he takes out a hair pin from a pack that was in his pocket. He proceeds to pick the lock, and successfully opens the door.

And there he saw Roman, with his back facing him. There were three other people in the room, but one stood out to him. The guy looked insanely familiar, he just didn't know why.

All other thoughts aside, Roman is way more important. He runs towards Roman unnoticed, and grabs his lover's arm. He pulls him out of the room whilst the other three guys were too busy talking to each other.

He locks the door, just so those guys don't get out of there whilst he tries to get Roman to calm down. It was heartbreaking to see the fanciful trait in that state. He looked like he couldn't breathe, and he had tear-stained cheeks, and puffy red eyes.

"Explain." Virgil says in a slightly strict tone.

"They... you... the-they're going to get rid of us..."

"Well, fuck them!"

The door opens, and reveals the three guys that Roman warned him about.

"Didn't think we can't open the door from the inside, huh?" one of them says with a smirk.

Virgil knows him. He tries to keep forcing his brain to remember this guy, but it just won't let him remember.

"What, I look familiar to you? Of course I do! Don't tell me you can't remember your brother."

And suddenly, all the memories come back to him. He now knows why he can't remember. He now knows who that guy is.

"That fucking stupid dragon witch and her fucking poison, goddamnit!" Virgil yells in anger.

"Gabriel, dude, calm the fuck down, okay? What are you even doing here? What is up with people's attitudes changing?!"

"I'm here to finish my mission. Came back to see you one last time."

Roman finally processes what's going on, and he feels himself taking control over himself again. He takes Virgil's hand, and drags him away to Logan's room. It was a good thing Logan's room was close by, so they got there in less than a minute.

"Logan, are you yourself?" Roman asks as he locks the door.

"Yes, I am. I have managed to gain control by using G's weaknesses." He tells the two.

"Is Dad okay? Or is he affected too?" Virgil asks.

"He's fine. And he's also asleep on my bed. Don't ask, just state your business."

"First of all, why didn't anyone tell me that dude used to be my friend? Second, it turns out that a percentage of my memory was erased when I was shot with poison that one time I tagged along with Ro to one of his adventures, Third, I'm sure someone's going to die tonight." Virgil says in one breath.

"You were WHAT?!" Patton yells, as he awakes from his slumber.

"Shot with poison, no big deal."

"That's a big deal, excuse me?!" Roman says as he does a bunch of sassy hand gestures.

"History isn't important right now, someone's bound to get hurt!" Virgil says.

"That was a lot to take in, but please, contain your emotions. We still need to figure out how to get out of this situation." Logan says in a calm manner.

All of a sudden, the sound of people banging on the door filled their ears.

[ e n d c h a p t e r ]

this must be a confusing chapter, but here's a huge hint to the ending:
3 words, 9 letters.

-n i c

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