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By the time we finished cleaning up the mess and telling Alberto all the things he needed to do it was about 1 in the morning.

"Do you really think we could trust him?" Mitch asked. "A man would do anything to protect the people he loves." I said while sitting on the bed. "My dad used to tell me that all the time." I mumbled. "Where is he now?" Mitch asked. "Better place. He died when I was 16. He always used to tell me that he'd do anything for me and my mom, even though they spilt up, he still would protect her." I said while playing with the necklace around my neck. "He gave that to you?" Mitch asked. "Yeah he did." I said while looking at the necklace around my neck. "How'd he die?" He asked. "He had cancer. His body stopped responding to the treatment." I said sadly.

My phone rang and I immediately reached for it. I saw that it was Alberto. I immediately answered.

"Talk to me." I said. "Well they keep moving the date of the exchange. It's been pushed back till the end the of the week." He said. "Okay what about the warehouse. How heavily guarded is it?" I asked. "Very. You won't be able to get within 20 miles of the place. There's this gala on Saturday. I could get you guys in. I believe there will be an exchange there." "Okay give the address." "I'll text it to you as soon as I get it." He said. "Alright." I said before hanging up.

I dropped the phone to the bed.

"I hope you brought a suit." I said. "Why?" He asked. "Because we have a gala to attend on Saturday." I said.


"Daddy." I cried quietly as he lay asleep on the hospital bed.

He was dying. I knew he was dying. I wasn't ready for him to die. I needed my dad. I needed him more than anything. My dad was like my best friend. We did everything together. Sure I had my step dad but he wasn't my real dad. He wasn't waking me up from nightmares and he never picked me up when I got stood up. It was always my dad, and now he was leaving me soon. Yes I know he was going to a better place but I didn't want him to go yet.

"God, I know you're watching me. I know you see the tears that are falling from my eyes. Please don't take him. Not yet. I need him. Please don't take my dad. Please." I cried. "Tiffany." My dad said. "Baby wake up. Wake up. Tiffany." He continued. "Tiffany!"

I jumped up, gasping for air. My eyes were wide and searching the room.

"Hey, you're okay. You're okay." I heard Mitch say.

My wide, tear filled eyes found his. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked. My bottom lip trembled and I shook my head. "I miss him so much." I said breaking down.

Mitch pulled me into his chest. My small hands gripped his shirt and I sobbed.

"Mitch i miss him so much." I cried. "I know. I know." He whispered in a soothing voice. "Do you know what it's like to loose someone you love?" I asked. "Yeah I do." Mitch said. His voice void of emotion.

I looked up at him confused.

"Who?" I asked. His eyes flickered down. "My fiancee." He said sadly. My heart broke. "We were on a beach. I had just proposed to her. Terrorists came and they shot up the beach." He said. My heart broke. "Mitch I'm so sorry." I said while hugging him tight.

I now know why Mitch was so hard and cold. He lost the love of his life the day he proposed to her. I couldn't imagine that pain and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

"She was my everything." He mumbled, his voice was shaky. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm so sorry." I said.

He sniffled and we just held each other. As Mitch and I held each other a feeling washed over me. A protective feeling. Him hugging me, holding me made me feel safe, like no one could harm me. Mitch pulled away from me and I looked down at my fingers awkwardly.

"Go sleep. I'll stay awake." Mitch said. "No. You need sleep, Mitch." I said. "Tiffany I'm not arguing with you." Mitch said. "And neither am I." I said while getting out of bed and sitting in front of the computer.

Mitch sighed and sat next to me.

"You're a stubborn little shit." He grumbled. I smirked. "So are you." I said while looking at the screen.


Stan, Mitch and I once again sat at small restaurant discussing our plan for Saturday.

"I still don't know if we could trust him. He could fuck us over and we get us killed on Saturday." Mitch said. "I agree. I'm starting to rethink this shit." Stan said. I sighed. "Guys I have my doubts too, but I mean what choice do we really have. This is the farthest we've gotten in this operation." I said while sipping my water. "You two are going to need suits and we're going to need some more weapons." I said. "Where are we going to get them?" Mitch asked. Stan smirked at me. "She knows some people." He said causing me to smirk.

Stan was right. I did know people.


Finally I updated. Hope you guys like this chapter.

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