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I was finally resting and walking through wonderland when a loud noise filled my head, "Wake up!"

I groaned and searched for my phone with my hand, blindly slamming it everywhere on my nightstand until I felt the cold object under my palm.
I pushed the home button and immediately turned my head away as the bright white light fell on my face. I squinted my eyes and turned my head back to my phone as my finger slid down to turn the brightness at its lowest point.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I looked at the time. 6:30am, I've only gotten 3 hours of sleep.
Irritated I yelled back, "Kim Taehyung, shut up!"

I let the back of my head fall back into the soft pillow and started to close my eyes again, starting to drift away.

"You promised me you would go to my practice today to give us tips." My brother whined.
Hearing that I slowly opened my eyes. I hated to break promises.
"Okay just wait for like, 30 minutes." I said defeated.

Taehyung gave a small "Okay." And ran down the stairs.
I sighed and glanced up to the ceiling. So much for a good nights sleep.

My legs finally felt like they were a part of my body again and I moved them so I could push myself off of my bed. I walked to my closet and I quickly scanned my clothes. I really need to buy some new shirts.
After going through some shirts I finally chose to just go casual today, so I wore black ripped jeans paired with a plain white shirt and some black boots.
I brushed my teeth and braided my hair. I washed my face and quickly did my make-up. Did my brows, put on foundation, concealer, mascara, eyeshadow and lipstick.

After that I walked down the stairs to Taehyung who was completly focused on a show on tv.
I took a few steps closer and saw that he was watching spongebob.
"Taehyung we have to go."

"Okay just wait a few minutes. This episode is almost finished."

I knew better than to say 'no' and instead gave a small nod and walked to the kitchen counter to eat an apple and then fill my glass with water before letting the liquid fall into my mouth.

"Let's go Yebin!" Taehyung said over excitedly while walking past me. He was awfully happy at 7:00am and I would never be able to understand that.

"Coming." I said and put my glass in the sink.
I stepped into the drivers seat of my car and drove to bighit entertainment while Taehyung put on some music, connecting his phone to my car.

After 20 minutes or so, we arrived and I wanted to press the gas pedal immediately and drive back to my house because I saw the people that I probably hated the most, the press.

"Yebin look over here!"
"Yebin are you and Chen dating?!"
"Yebin are the rumours true?!"

How did they even know that I was going to Bighit entertainment today? It wasn't in my original schedule nor did my company tell it to the media. I stopped thinking about it and instead looked at the
people who came out of bighit, I assume that they were either bodyguards or managers. One went over to my door and helped me out and the other helped Taehyung. We walked through the storm of camera flashes and I could finally breath normally again as the doors closed behind us.
My brother and I thanked the people who helped us and it turned out to be bodyguards, they left us two alone in the lobby after we assured them that we were okay and in no harm.

Taehyung turned to face me "I kinda wish you were never famous." he said.
"Taehyung I debuted before you." I said looking at him while he had his head down.

"I know-" he looked up.
"- but i just want you to be save."

I smiled because it was adorable to hear that when he was rocking back and forth with his feet,
"I know and I am Tae, don't worry."

He hummed as if he agreed and grabbed my arm to drag me to his practice room.
Together we walked to his dance studio and I immediately saw his other members when we pushed the door open.

I glanced at each one of them with a small smile and greeted them.
"Hey guys, long time no see."

They greeted me and I heard all kinds of hellos directed towards me.
"So are we gonna start?" I asked and walked over to the mirror before sitting in front of it since they had asked me for some tips on their dance.

"Well you see-" Taehyung began and scratched his nape.
"- we don't need tips. We just wanted to celebrate the release of your first solo album, please don't hit me!" He added backing up and putting his arms in front of his chest, like I would slap his soul out of his body if he didn't.

When the words processed in my brain I did the opposite and hugged him, what made him blink in confusion and glance at the other members who only gave a small shrug in return, indicating that they didn't understand my actions either. They all believed that they would witness a fight between the Kim siblings if I found out about the original reason for this visit. "Thank you." I smiled, still hugging him.

He was still confused, but just rolled with it and didn't want to let the opportunity go to hug me.
"No problem." he said and circled his arms around my frame.

When I let loose I punched his chest and he took a step back with a cough. "What was that for!"
I shrugged, "I appreciate it, but I don't appreciate the fact that you woke me up at 6:30 in the morning."
I turned my head slightly to look at the other members and they put their arms up in mock surrender while a few were also trying to muffle their laughter, failing miserably.

After they all congratulated me I  drove back to my home.
Stepping inside my apartment I immediately got a call from my manager.

"Hello." I said, dragging the 'o' for a while.
"Hello Yebin." I heard Hyemi, my manager say.

"I'm going to keep this short. You're going to be a special MC for an episode of 'Happy Together' with a few members of Wanna One as guests tomorrow. You'll only stay the second part and you'll also promote your new album. Got it?" She said in her usual bossy tone when it was about my work.

"Yes of course." I replied.
"Okay take care, Goodnight Yebin." she said.

"Goodnight." And then I heard the annoying beep, meaning Hyemi had hung up.

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