Present pt.1

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[UPDATE]: I decided to change the title bc I want to delay the first kiss :) sorry not sorry

(A/n): before I start the chapter, WANNA ONE AND BTS SLAYED MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE. We still have the MMA's and I'm-
Wanna One totally deserved Best male group.
And BTS also REALLY deserved Best MV and AOTY.
I'm just really proud of both of them and I'm really emotional about AOTY rn.

Also congrats to Twice, EXO, Once's and Exo-L's for ALOTY and SOTY!
And all the other groups and artists that won :)

MMA starts in 40 minutes...!!

Daniel: Go to ** cafe.
Uhmm okay then: Y/n

'Why did he want to go there?" You asked yourself.

You walked to the table and grabbed your car keys since you were too lazy to walk.

You stepped into your black car and drove to ** cafe.

You looked around and saw no one with cameras, you put on a white cap with a mask so people couldn't recognize you, just for safety, and walked in to the cafe.

You looked around for a few seconds and met Daniel's eyes. You walked to his table and sat down.

"Why do I have to be here?" You asked while looking around.

"Well, we are a couple so we have to date. And the managers set paparazzi up so we'll have more publicity"

You felt something when he said 'we are a couple so we have to date'

"Eat anything that you want, my treat" he said winking at you.

Daniel and you decided to go to the cinema and then go shopping.

Unfortunately you were kicked out. People kept complaining about you two because you were so intrigued with each other that you kept talking.

You eventually went to the mall and looked around for stuff.
When you went to the toilet, Daniel rushed into the jewelry shop that he saw not to long ago. He asked something and the women that worked there picked it up for him en put it in a box.

"And for who is this?" She asked grinning.

"Uhmm, it's for my girlfriend"!Daniel answered.

"Ahhh, how cute. Well I hope she's happy with this and treat her good, okay?"

"Yes I will"

Daniel walked out of the store and immediately runned back to the toilets, and waited for you.

Not even 20 seconds later you came back with your make up fixed and your jacket in your hands.

To be continued

(A/n): next chapter will be published tomorrow or next week.

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