Happy together✔️

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"In 3, 2, 1"

"We're going to do a legendary segment with Wanna One today. It's called: sleepless you. Before we start we have a guest mc. She is here to help with mc'ing and to promote her new album. Please welcome Kim Yebin!" Jaesook announced and then cheered with the other men in the room.

I walked to the set and started to greet everyone their and introduced myself to the audience.

"So you released a new album."
I responded with a nod.

"Let's talk about your album first then." Jaesook said.

"Well this is my first solo album. The name of the album is: Epoch. Like a period or era in my life. It has 7 new songs. The title track is called: nefelibata, coming up with the name was actually pretty weird but I just came across it the other day when I saw someone use as a caption under their post. Literally it means 'cloud walker'."

They looked confused so I giggled before explaining.

"It means someone who just lives by their imagination.
The other songs are: ephemeral, hiraeth, solitude, vicissitude, epiphany and serendipity. I chose these titles because they all connect and have a certain beauty to them which I think fit the album."

"Wow they're all so hard to pronounce." they said what made me laugh a little but I expected it.

"Could you perform your title track?"

"Yes sure." I said and
nodded before standing up.

My back-up dancers weren't present so I had to perform this alone. The dance was a standard 'idol-like' choreography with a little contemporary mixed in it.

After finishing my performance, they clapped and I thanked them but was kind of embarrassed when I sat in my chair.

"What did you guys think?" Some of the men from big mouth asked Wanna One.

"It was really good" Jihoon said while the rest agreed.
"What did you think Daniel?"

"It was amazing yeah." he said and stared at me. His eyes were burning at the side of my head, but I decided to not look.

I thanked them all and started with the show. After a while they asked Wanna One who their role models were.

"For me it's Kai." was Daniel's answer.
"For me, I like BTS' V." Jihoon said.

I silently cheered for him while hiding my mouth with the flash cards.

"I like to make expressions on stage and his facial expressions are great." he continued.

"CGV." You mouthed at the camera.

"You two are the 'cg siblings' right?" Jisung asked.

"Yes" I started to chuckle at the name.

"cg siblings?" Jaesook asked confused.

"People say that V/Taehyungie's and mine facial expressions are great so they started to call us cg siblings."
"Aaahh okay" they said in realization.

"Can you make a few of V's expressions?" They asked Jihoon.

He said yes and did one of fire. When the time was right you mouthed the words and weakly danced to the song.

"Do you know the whole choreography?" They asked me. It was kind of embarrassing to admit it but I honestly answered and said yes. I was lucky that they didn't ask me to do it in front of them all.

Later on they asked Wanna One to dance growl by EXO and I just joined them eventually, not being able to contain my excitement.

After the filming I walked back to my dressing room. Though I didn't do that much, I was satisfied with my work as a special mc. I was taking a turn when my body moved back. I had bumped into someone. Feeling flustered I apologized and I finally saw who stood in front of me. It was Kang Daniel.

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