3 Months Pregnant [Extra Part 2]

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[Eren's POV]
You know I don't think quietly was the correct word, I practically ran from the house and down the front stairs and made my way down the old dirt road. I wasn't upset Levi dragged me all the way out here while I was pregnant, I was actually quite content. I loved the outdoors, always have always will. When I was younger I can remember my mother bringing me home exotic flowers. I would plant them in vases in my room and they still live there to this day. That's the way I met Levi actually. I was down by a crick in the forest behind our house, and I found Levi there, catching fish and putting them in a bucket, and when the bucket got to full he would dump it back out and start over again. I suppose I would have to take my children out there one day, Cat I know would love it for sure and I already know that I love it out there. Speaking of kids, I was speculating names for the children, Rachel or Max. I hadn't really had time to discuss with Levi yet, maybe that's what he wanted to talk to me about? Baby names? I mean Levi has never been the greatest with people, but I could imagine that he would do anything for our children, and that made me happy just imagining it. I had a feeling that one day our children would grow up to do something great, something no one in the world could do like them. Cat would be a doctor of some sort, Rachel, if the baby was a girl, would grow up to be a scientist, and I had a feeling Max if it were a boy, would grow up to be some amazing artist. When I finally reached the end of the dirt road I looked up to see the treehouse Levi and I had built, by hand, so many years ago. I smiled, I could already see my children playing up there, in a 'secret base' trying to hide from us parents and all of our friends' kids playing with them and chasing them around. I smiled wider at the thought. My children would not grow up the way I did, they will live happy lives and grow up to be something amazing. I climbed up the treehouse ladder carefully and sat the second letter sitting on a fold-down table. I quickly walked (waddled) over to the table and sat down on a tiny chair and began to read the letter.
Dear Eren,
You know Cat convinced me to tell you this but I just want to say Eren you are the love of my life and I want you to know I will always love you. Now get your cute ass out of here and find the last two letters, please?
I smiled once again, wiping happy tears off my face. 'I will always love you too, Levi.'
I'm so peeved rn because I had to edit this so many times because my editor said it was all in bold and she tried to turn it off and it didn't work so I'm super P.O'd so sorry, just my little rant. Thanks for reading!

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