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(A/N: All A/Ns are from the author of the chapter the A/N is in unless it's a Group A/N! So...it's Val here! An image of Ashley is above, sorry if it's too ugly, I'm so bad at art lol. Btw I based her off my fave character from YJ, Artemis Crock, who's super badass. Also it adds racial diversity since she's half-Vietnamese)


I jabbed my fork into the pancakes, barely listening to the ongoing argument of Mum and my younger brother, Joshua Hunter.

"I'm a night owl doomed to a family of morning people," I muttered as they squabbled about whatever was wrong with Josh's newest grade, an A-minus. It was waaay too early for this. I'd stayed up all night reading a 200-chapter long fanfic about Percabeth on a website called Wattpad and right now I was exhausted and in a very bad mood.

I yawned again, picking at the pancakes. They were now reduced to a pile of crumbs. Whatever. Like I care. That fanfic had torn my heart out. How could anyone kill off such an adorable baby panda bear as Frank Zhang?! How??!!

Taking out my phone, I opened Pinterest, expecting my usual feed of fanart and cute headcanons. Instead, my entire home page was filled with the same post---a photo of a modern-looking castle with the word Fandom Academie typed all over the photo.

Where was my f***ing Percy Jackson fanart????

Scowling, I scrolled down, hoping to see Percy Jackson fanart (hopefully ones of Solangelo). But my entire page was that really creepy post. When I got to the end, there was finally a different post, but the wifi wasn't that good at home and the picture hadn't loaded yet. Regardless, I clicked on it, hoping it was a Percy Jackson fanart (finally).

But instead, the link opened to another page.

"Gah!" I frantically tried to close the link, but the screen didn't respond to my repeated jabbing.

Of all times, why did my phone decide to act up now? I seriously needed the fanart. Especially when two of my family members are screaming so loudly in the kitchen the entire neighbourhood could probably hear them.

"Urghhhh," I groaned, slumping onto the table, when something caught my eye.

There was a big button on the screen that read: Click for a chance to visit Camp Half-Blood for FREE!

Okay, I admit, it could be a scam or a virus. But I had to check that out. I mean, if through some mojo they actually built a Percy Jackson park and was keeping it a secret from the public for a long time, it could be true! Rick Riordan was a troll anyways, so who's to say he wouldn't do something like that? And I had antivirus apps installed anyways, so what's the harm in checking it out?

I clicked on the link.

And in seconds, I was tumbling down, down, down a dark tunnel, clutching my phone to my chest as tightly as I could.


What on Earth was happening?

Oh my gods, could I be falling into Tartarus?

Please, no. Percabeth was enough. Now me too?

I shut my eyes as I kept on falling down. Suddenly, light as a feather, my back touched the floor, and I bounced off the ground like a basketball.

Okay, when did the laws of physics start not being applicable? If I'd fallen that far, I should've just about smashed into the ground and died. Unless I actually was dead.

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