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(A/N: Again, the art was done by Val! She's not very experienced in drawing boys, so please give some advice!)


  I was in Mirkwood, practising archery with my best friends Mira and Ronan. I won, obviously. Then we lay on the soft grass of the Middle Earth soil and chatted while...

  "Hayden Sanchez!"

   I turned around. My English literature teacher, Miss Mitchell, was running towards me, attempting to catch my attention. "Have you decided yet?" she inquired.

  Decide what? I thought. I don't recall deciding anything.

  "Are you listening or not? Have you decided to join the National Narrative-Writing Competition and represent the school to receive eternal glory?" She asked again.

  Realisation struck me. Unfortunately, I wasn't in Middle Earth at all. I was back in horrible reality, facing a hectic school life, with vicious teachers, pressuring parents and gossipy classmates. Sadly, I wasn't a Gondor man, nor an Woodland elf---I was just Hayden Sanchez, an ordinary boy born in an extraordinary family. I was just, well, me.

  "Fine. I'll join." I huffed reluctantly. I mean, I was already busy with sports teams and whatnot, and writing competitions are just so time-consuming. Sometimes life just isn't rainbows and unicorns. Being the son of two very, very famous people didn't help either.

  I stepped into the vast campus and gazed across the field. A bunch of girls were already dashing towards me, desperate to get my attention. I started to run, but they crowded around me and just start flirting with me, like "When I saw you, I tripped and fell!" or "Are you the sun? 'Cause you're so hot!". Gandalf's beard, you all know that I don't do 'flirting'. I trashed them at once and rushed to my locker.

  I quickly grabbed my books and closed my locker before anyone sees it. I have very serious trust issues. No one knew my past, my family or my struggles. I put on façades every day. Everything about my life is fake.

  As soon as I strolled into the classrooms, "Look! It's Hayden!" One of my 'friends', Jace (A/N: any Shadowhunter fans here?) beckoned me to come closer. "Any plans for the weekend?"

  Actually yes. I plan to curl in my bed and read fanfics all day long.

  But I decided not to tell them. 'No, do you have any plans then?'

  "Great! We plan to crash that rich-looking bar down the road. Heard that there are awesome drinks and hot girls. You wanna come?"

Of course I didn't say no, just because I want to keep my reputation of the popular kid of the school. As soon as I agreed to it, I regretted it. I know I shouldn't lie, no matter they're my friends or not. It makes me feel bad. Unfortunately, lying is the way of living in this world, so I had to catch up this 'trend'.

The day just went on like this: listen, chat, trash, eat, listen, chat, trash, eat. Just like a normal day. Finally the timer went off. I could finally go home...and keep writing and reading Lord of the Rings fanfics.

I cycled back home as fast as my feet can carry me, and I arrived at home in 15 minutes. I opened the gate to my heaven. Most of my room is dedicated to my fandom — Lord of the Rings. My wallpaper is a room in Lothlórein, different Lord of the Rings posters and my LotR weapons dominate my wall, my desk is filled with Lord of the Rings notes, and in the middle of the mess is my precious, my MacBook. As soon as I switched on my MacBook, an advertisement popped up.


Reading the advertisement, I was tempted to press into the link. A voice in my head whispered 'Don't do it! It might be scam!' However, it was just too irresistible. I snapped to that voice 'I don't care' and I clicked the link without hesitation.

My MacBook started to glow in a supernova-like light, and I blacked out.

Never did I know that this decision would change my life.

- - - - - -

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Looking around, I realised that I wasn't in my room at all - I was under a roaring waterfall! And there was even some music from the waterfall itself! What the heck?

I stayed under the waterfall and let the water wake me up from this dream. To my surprise, the water which was crashing down on me gave me a comfortable and soothing feeling. Is it real? This seems like fantasy though...

But.. all of this seems real. The water, the music...

I decided to think that it's true. I found that my precious MacBook, stationery and notebooks were slipped in a satchel in a tiny crack between two rocks. I grabbed the satchel and ventured on to find the source of the music. Hopefully it would lead me on to somewhere.

I entered the waterfall and found that there was a sparking cave filled with gems of all sort: crystals, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds.... I was shocked by the raw beauty of the cave. The gems seemed to sparkle towards another cave. Maybe they are pointing me to the direction of the music, I thought.

I followed the way and found myself in another cave, only with more gems and much larger. To me, it seemed like a hall of some sort. And in the middle of it stood a grand maple door. The music seemed to come from the other side of the door. I opened the door and I couldn't believe what I saw.

I stepped through the door and found myself in front of a palace-like building. A girl with short black hair beckoned me to come over.

I gasped at her and after what she said, I was even more excited and shocked.

"Welcome to Fandom Academie, Hayden." She said with a small smile.

A/N: What's up guys! It's me, Huntress. I'm sorry it took me so long to update my very first chapter. Also, I apologise for making it so long! It took me so long to decide Hayden's personality! 😱😱 Anyways, this is Hayden's first chapter. I hope you guys like it!


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