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The Masquerade Ball really changed about everything. I don't know if it's just my imagination, but Camille has been (probably deliberately) ignoring me. Plus, whenever I meet Brooke on the corridor, she gives me these funny, cringey looks and I absolutely can't stand it. Gosh, what would the boys think of me?

Lessons were as usual, I guess. I had no right to complain considering my orphan buddies back in that awful place. Well, at least I actually learned useful knowledge needed in real life. I don't know, I think I've been taking things for granted but some of the lessons are just downright boring. I mean, isn't Fanfiction and Literature in everybody's blood?

"Your homework for today is to write an angst fic about your OTP, which should be specified on top of the page. Remember to write it in 12pt Times New Roman font, and send it to me through the school website in 3 days. We have to be ready for the tests, which are less than two and a half months away, and all the students who get an A in one subject or more will get a visit to the fandom world of their choice."

Visit to the fandom world of their choice? Yeah, maybe I'll work hard this time. IT'S ALL FOR YOU, PEETA. PANEM, HERE I COME!!!

"Will Ashley Jean Hunter, Camille Violet Cabello, Brooke Evans, Lucas Skylark, Hayden Sanchez and Cassandra Rose please report to the Headmaster-in-training's office. Thank you."

Me? How is all of this related to me? I'm a newbie, after all.

I tagged behind Camille, trying to figure out what was going on. Were we in trouble? I knew how to get away with pranks in the orphanage, but not here. I crossed my fingers, hoping I wouldn't get busted by the Headmaster.

When we finally got to the room, Hayden, who was probably from the LOTR fandom, sat down beside me. "Manchester United?"


I tried not to sound too enthusiastic. "Been supporting them since they came to visit our orph..." Wait no no no Hayden doesn't know about this. I think I blushed a little while trying to hide my smile. "" I hope I didn't embarrass myself too much.

Kyle arrived. He gestured for us to follow him as Hayden asked quizzically, "Is Kyle the Headmaster-in-Training?"

Hmm. I wasn't the only confused newbie. I nodded slightly.


It was pretty hilarious watching the drama between Kyle and AJ. Both of them were looking away from each other. And they weren't exactly talking to each other. Trying not to giggle, Cassie announced matter-of-factory, "the murders, right? So, what do you want us to do about it." Murders? Why would I murder anyone? For God's sake, I'm just a little kid with a pure, kind soul. I was very nearly in flames for Kyle's wrong accusation but I took a deep breath and waited for what he had to say.

Kyle went on and on, blabbering something along the lines of setting up an investigation team, and asking us to help out. Concerned about Paris, I glanced at Hayden, and he seemed just as nervous. So he knew about Paris? The poor guy who obviously didn't kill his beloved little girl? Or did he think Paris was the murderer? Maybe he had someone else in mind?

For now, I just knew that Paris wasn't the one.


As the days went by, Hayden and I had become pretty good friends while attempting to solve the murder. But everyone in Fandom Academie looked so nice and innocent, I simply couldn't believe that any of them was the killer. Usually I'm not too engaged in these issues, but I had to say this time I was quite concerned. 

It was another, well, relatively fine day, and I was staring at the clock in the Fanfic classroom as always. Mr Payne was going on and on and on about common sense that even I, as an orphan who has never been through other forms of schooling, have. Chewing on my pen, I prayed that the lesson would end soon.

The door slammed open. "I'm...I'm sorry I'm late, Mr Payne" Brooke panted heavily as her cute pink bag slid off her shoulders. Woah, she looked like she'd been through a major earthquake. Something must have happened. Hopefully it was nothing related to the murders.

After Brooke entered the room, I pretended to ignore the tension in the room. Brooke and the other girl... her name was Brittany, I assume, were whispering like FBI secret agents. The other girls were also giving each other weird smirks and cringey frowns. By then Mr Payne was only talking to the wall, as I couldn't possibly have been more distracted.

Then it happened. Unexpectedly, I would say.

"Hey Lucas, just a quick question --- how do you feel about Brooke Evans?" I basically thought it was a simple doubt from that Brittany so I shrugged, "Brooke? She's great! She's a wonderful friend."

At that point, I didn't see anything wrong with my answer. Well, we danced at the ball together... so if we weren't friends, then what were we?

Until Brooke scurried out of the classroom.

Worried, I asked Brittany,"was it something I said? Do you think she'll be okay?" I knew Brooke tends to freak out more often, but she usually doesn't act like that. I mean, she actually probably liked classes, so why would she dash out? Oh no.

And suddenly, something inside me snapped.

If we danced together, held hands together, rode on a motorbike together, read together and even listened to songs together... if we weren't friends, we had to be a lovey dovey couple.

Oops. I missed that. Typical me.

To be honest, I never really had even a tad bit of that kind of feeling for Brooke. Sure, she was nice and all, but as a girlfriend? Not exactly. But I still wanted to be her friend!

Oh, what have I done?

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