6. The Loyal Servant

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'Loyalty more precious than gold'



A maid guide us to our chambers. She leads me in front of a big chamber beside Yu Wen's chamber.

"Lady I will give the baby drinks milk . Please rest assure. I will bring her back. Lady, she looks like you." She said.

When she said that, I realize the baby looks like me indeed. Who is the baby's parents?

"Yes, she is.", I admitted

"Then what is the baby's name?", She asked.

"Her name?"

Wait? Did she think that I am Jin Er's mother? I don't know. Should I explain about this missunderstanding? No...maybe this is the best way let they think that I am her mother but what is the beautiful name for her?

"Jin Er."

"Such beautiful name, Lady."

I just smile to the maid who is happy to see the baby.

"Lady please don't worry, I will bring her back into your chamber after give her milk."

What?! I don't think that is good idea because I never take care a baby before. I am so tired and I want to sleep but if the baby sleep here I don't think that I can sleep peacefully. I just want to say something but the maid just leave the chamber suddenly.

This place so weird. I don't know why I feel this way.

"Young Master." Yu Wen called me gently.

"Yes, get in."

Yu Wen get in to my chamber as I ordered with his awareness. He stands up in front of me until I ask him to sit beside me.

"Yu Wen, do you have any ideas about these people?" I asked.

"Young Master, they are from Huang family. Actually, I ever heard rumors about Huang family." Yu Wen still careful about the topic that he brings to me.

"Tell me."

"Lady Huang is only heir in Huang's family. No one know her real name. They called her Lady Huang."

"So what's the issue in Huang family?"

"They said no one ever meet Lady Huang before, so big chance they think young master is her."

"How can they never met her before? And as you said, that is still big chance. It's impossible they never met her."

"Young Master....actually the hairpin in your hair is Lady Huang's possession as a symbol of Huang's heir."

"What? How can my sister in-law get this hairpin? Yu Wen, How do you know a lot about Huang family?" I asked.

"When I was child. My Mother told me the story about Huang family."

"Why the story about Huang family like a myth?"

"They say Huang family is witch."


I startled but still manage to be calm. A lot of questions in my head right now. I try to understand all.

"Young Master, please calm."

"So Lady Huang is a witch? Is she poisoning me like this? If she is Lady Huang, I promise to kill her to make me trapped in this woman body!"

"Please calm, Young Master because we are in Huang family's manor."

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