Chapter 8

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Chandlers POV;

Bella stepped to the side so I could enter the room.

Once I was in she closed, and locked, the door.

I'm not sure how to feel about this.

"Look, I know you might be freaked out by me right now but we really need to talk." She said and sat down on the bed.

I remained by the door.

I need to know what she's thinking before I can get comfortable, I might have to make a quick exit which is why I'm propped by the door.

"You can sit down." She said softly.

I sighed and walked over to the bed.

Sitting right next to her.

"Okay, so I need you to stop." She said.

I looked at her with a confused face.

"Stop what?"

"Don't stop what me. I need you to stop trying to get me to like you." She said.

Is she really saying this?

"Why?! I thought you liked me."

"I did until I heard about how you told Hunter about us being together. I'm not mad, I just...

I thought you were better than that... I thought you were actually a good person deep down inside but now I see you aren't." She said.

Is she fucking serious?

"Bella, you literally just said you liked me. And if Hunter wasn't here than we would be together. I can't keep just waiting around. I like you Bella, a lot, and I can't just stop my feelings for you. Yes, I know you like Hunter. But in the end I'm telling you he's just going to end up hurting you." I said.

"But even if I do like you, we just won't be together. That's what you're not getting. Whether Hunter is in the picture or not, you and I just can't be together."

"What why?!" I whined.

"Because... We're too different. I know it, we wouldn't last a week without one of us getting hurt. But I don't want to lose you... I can't. You're a big part of my life that I can't lose. But I also can't keep you around if you try to tear me and people I love apart." She said.

Did I seriously just get friendzoned?!

"No, no, no, no. I'm not doing this friend bullshit. I can't. You know I can't, I'll crack and so will you. Bella, we can't be around each other without being greatly attracted to each other. I'm not going to sit around and be miserable. I can't be around you without wanting to smash your face into mine. Without wanting to hold you... And feel you. Without wanting to just make out with you for days... And have your tongue against mine. Have your hands in my hair... Have you straddling me as I feel up your sides. I'd be slowly tugging your bottom lip between my teeth as you whimpered for more against my lips-"

"I get the point!" Bella yelled. A smile breaking out on her gorgeous face as a deep blush followed.

Damn, I almost got lost in my fantasy.

"Sorry..." I apologized.

"It's fine." She said softly.

"Don't think I don't want that too..." I heard her whisper. Barely audible.

"What?" I asked.

Her face blushed even more, she didn't mean for me to hear that.

"Nothing. Chandler, I like you. I really do. But Hunter is the one I'm supposed to be with."

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