Chapter One

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Chapter 1

I pulled my leather jacket tighter around me and sunk deep into my seat.

The teacher was droning on about the history of our country.

I glanced around the room, my gaze flickering from person to person; until my eyes locked with his.

The person who made my life miserable. It was his fault, and he knows it was.

His eyes were filled with remorse. I almost forgave him, looking at his pitiful expression.

But then I remembered the reasons behind my burning hatred; my never ending fury.

It's been two years since the incident; two years since the friendship we had grown was stomped on like a small flower.

"Violet! Pay attention," Mrs. Bankston hissed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Be glad I'm even here," I scoffed, propping my feet on my desk.

Her mouth fell agape, as she watched me with utter shock.

A few murmurs and chuckles could be heard in the classroom.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw him grin.


"Principal's office, now!" She shouted, and I stood up, smirking.

Does she seriously think I'll actually go to the office?

I did a mock-solute to the teacher, and turned to the students, taking a bow.

Finally I left the classroom, making my way to the girl's room.

I shoved open the door and went into the biggest stall.
I set my backpack down and slid down the wall.

I pulled a small picture out of the front pouch in my bag.
I gazed at the small Polaroid pictures in my hand.

I didn't notice I was crying until a small drop of salty liquid dripped off my chin and onto the picture.

I held the small photograph to my chest, crying silently.

Then Alex's face flashed through my mind.
Any sorrow was instantly replaced with anger.

Fire and ice shot through my veins, mixing together in a way that made me want to strangle him.

"Why?" I sobbed, pulling my legs to my chest and burying my face in my knees.


I dropped my backpack by the door and went to the kitchen, searching for a note.

If mom has to work late, she'll usually leave a small note on the kitchen counter.

As I suspected, there was a small post-it note sitting on the counter.

Hey baby,

I'm sorry, but I won't be coming home until midnight again. There's a box of spaghetti noodles in the cabinet, along with tomato sauce.
Love ya baby girl!

I sighed, crumpling the note in my hand.
Ever since dad passed, she's become a workaholic.
She's hardly ever home.

I might as well have lost both parents; because it feels like I have.

I grabbed the box of noodles and the sauce and started to make it.


After dinner, I grabbed a black tank top and a pair of grey jogging bottoms.

I let the warm water pellets slowly wash away all my thoughts and stress.

I wish there was a way to turn off feelings. Things would be so much easier if we were all made like robots.

No feelings.

After my shower I crawled in bed, laying on my back.

I stared at the patterns on the ceiling, imagining millions of different random scenarios in my mind.

Some good; most of them bad.

Then his face flashed through my mind. Then hers.

I clenched my fists at my sides and my jaw clenched.
Why are teenagers such jerks?


The next morning handed me absolutely no urge to get up and get ready for school.

I combed a hand through my messy hair and shut off my alarm.

I forced myself to sit up and step out of bed.

I got dressed and did a light layer of make-up.
I slid on a white shirt with a black leather jacket, torn up black jeans, and combat boots.

As I was about to leave the bathroom, there was a knock on the door.

"Hurry up Vi, you're going to be late for school," Mom spoke softly.

I kind of missed who mom was before. After dad died, it was like she did too. Her whole personality just dissapeared and she replaced the old loud one, with a gentle, hard-working, quiet one.

"I'm leaving now mom." I said, opening the door.

I grabbed my backpack, and kissed mom on the cheek, before stepping into the cool spring air.

I let a sigh escape through my lips, as I braced myself for what was to come.

Nothing would've ever prepared me for the future of that school day.


Yayyy! The first chapter is out ♡

What did ya guys think? And I promise all secrets will eventually be revealed!

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