Chapter Seven

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Sorry the last chapter was crappy, I made that one in kind of a rush!
I hope you all have a fantastic day/night depending on where in the world you are at the moment ♡


Chapter 7

I was sitting in the last class I had before lunch.
None of the boys were in this class, just me and, ugh, Sierra.

She wouldn't stop staring at me. Flames shot through my veins everytime I made eye contact with her.

Is it okay to despise someone?

Dad told me it wasn't...But What about someone like her?

It felt like forever before class finally ended.

It seemed as though every one was racing to the cafeteria.

Why was it always a race?

I slung my backpack over my shoulder, and was just about to walk out, when I came face-to-face with her.

"Back up, you're invading my personal space," I sighed.

"Yeah? Well you're invading my life!" She exclaimed, before punching my jaw, and the pain echoed through my body.

She went to punch me again, but I caught her fist in my hand.

"Don't touch me, again." I hissed, before dropping her arm and storming out of the class room, leaving the red-head stunned behind me.


"You caught her fist in your hand?" Noah exclaimed incredulously.

I slapped a hand over his mouth, "Yes big-mouth. My dad taught me self-defense when I was twelve. I know how to fight, but despite the clichés of my reputation, I don't believe violence is the answer."

I dropped my hand and my eyes jumped to each of their surprised faces.

I smirked.

I took a bite of my burger, watching Sierra from under my thick lashes.

I dropped my burger back on the plate, and wrapped my arm around Alex's torso, resting my head on in his chest.

He caught on and wrapped his arm around my waist.
He lifted my chin up with his index finger and thumb, and for a moment, when our eyes locked, every feeling I thought I had lost, came crashing back.

I still love him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and sent his lips crashing onto mine, and my eyelids fluttered close.

My stomach was doing gymnastics while the butterflies danced around on it like it was a stage.

I pulled away and rested my forehead on his as I deeply inhaled.

"You're so beautiful. I never had the chance to tell you that before," Alex whispered, affection danced around in his eyes the same way it danced around mine.

I could practically hear his heart racing. I wondered if he could hear mine too.


School was over! No more school until college.

We decided to go to the diner for the third time in like the last week for a celebration dinner.

"You look great," Ashton grinned, gesturing to my leather skirt, grey T-shirt and leather jacket.

"Um, thanks!" I felt my cheeks heating up.

I glanced over at Alex and saw him glaring at Ashton.

I smirked, for the millionth time in the last few days.

He was jealous.

Seriously though, what's with all these idiot girls not knowing when someone likes them? It gets annoying.

"You jealous Al?" I teased, poking his pink cheek as he blushed.

His eyes widened, "W-What? No. I don't get jealous, people get jealous of me."

I rolled my eyes over his arrogance.

"Mhmm, sure."


Alex dropped everyone off, and it was just him and I left in his Ferrari.

"Do you like Ashton?" He asked bluntly, and my eyes widened.

"I don't know. I've only known him for a few days. I don't fall for people that fast." I explained, and he shrugged.


"I don't know, just wondering." He shrugged again casually.

I eyed him suspiciously, but didn't say anything.

We pulled into my driveway, and he parked the car, turning the engine off.

"Why did you turn the engine off?" I inquired, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because I'm going to hang-out with you for a while. I have nothing better to do.

I smirked, "Sure..."


I shoved the movie 'frozen' in the playstation, and turned the TV on.

When it started playing, he groaned, but I didn't miss the glint of excitement in his eyes.

He's such a little kid.

Once let it go started playing, I inhaled deeply before belting out the lyrics in my awful singing voice.

Alex surprised me during the chorus by belting it out as well.

Only his voice was the definition of perfection. He sounded almost identical to Shawn Mendes.

"You know the words to the song?" I teased, but I was actually completely shocked.

He grinned proudly, nodding and owning the fact that he does.



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