Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

It had been a few weeks since summer break started, and I decided to switch up my style.
I had been wearing the same leather jacket and ripped jeans for the last year, and I needed a change.

I was currently at the south park mall, searching aimlessly through the racks of shorts and T-shirts.

"Hey sweetheart,"  Familiar voice muttered softly, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"Please don't call me that Alex." I grimaced, shuddering at the name.

He smirked, "So, sweetheart, what are you looking for?"

Now he was purposely trying to get on my nerves.

"Why are you everywhere? Can I not get a break from you and your annoying ways?" I asked, but I was truthfully glad he was here.

"It's not my fault I live across the street from you. I saw you leave and I followed you here." He explained, and my eyes widened.

"Quit stalking me Al, it's not okay."

"Seriously though, what are you looking for?" He inquired, gesturing towards the clothes I was digging through.

"I don't know specifically. I'm looking for a change in style." I admitted, pulling a red halter top out off the hanger.


Alex was currently sitting in one of the chairs by the dressing rooms. If he was going to be with me, he was going to make himself useful.

I slid on a light pink off-the-shoulder top, and a pair of light wash jeans.

I twisted the dressing room handle and pushed open the door.

"What do you think?" I asked Alex, and his jaw dropped.
His eyes drifted over me, taking in the new outfit.

"You look, different." He admitted, standing up.

"Different Good? Or different bad?" I inquired, nervous for the answer.

"Different, amazing."

He rested his hand on my waist and gazed intently into my eyes.
He was searching me for something, but I wasn't sure what.

He started leaning in, and my eyelids fluttered close.

He was about to press his lips against mine when someone cleared their throat.

"Hey...guys." Ashton said awkwardly, a look of disappointment and hurt rested on his face.

Alex and I quickly moved apart, gazing uncomfortably at the floor.

"What're you doing here Ashton?" Alex hissed, venom dripping from every word.

"I was looking for a new pair of shoes and I saw you guys," He explained, still to uncomfortable to make eye contact.

Was he okay?

"Whatever." Alex sighed.

"You can hang out with us if you want," I smiled, walking over to Ashton.

I wrapped my arm around his torso, giving him an awkward side hug.

"Sure!" He chirped cheerfully.

Alex didn't look to joyful.


I bought a few new outfits, and we stopped at the food court.

We were sitting at a small table scarfing down a piece of pizza each.

"How can you like pineapple on your pizza?" Ashton asked me in disgust.

I smirked, taking a bite full of pineapple, "Mmm, so good!"

He grimaced, looking away.

"I love pineapple pizza," Alex smiled, stealing the piece of pizza from my hand.

My jaw dropped; no-one steals my food unless they want a black eye.

I punched his shoulder repeatedly, but he didn't budge.

I frowned when he took a bite of my pizza, that I payed for.

"Give it back!" I whined pathetically, sinking deeper into my seat.

He chuckled, taking another bite.

I grumbled about him under my breath, watching as he ate the pizza from under my thick, dark lashes.

Ashton watched the two of us in amusement, but I didn't miss the pained expression on his face.

"What's wrong Ash?" I inquired, which made Alex tense up beside me.

It seemed to throw him back to reality, "Oh, I'm fine. Just didn't get much sleep last night."

Right....(Note the sarcasm)


After I got dropped off at home, I pushed open the front door, expecting to be home alone again, but I saw mom sitting on the couch in the living room.

Her blue eyes snapped up to meet mine when I stepped inside.

She was wearing a wide smile.

"Your brother is visiting for a couple weeks during break from college."

I did a fist-pump in the air.

I hadn't seen Zach since dad died. Him and I still text every night, but seeing him is rare.



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Byeeee ♡

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