Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

After they finished the tests and everything, they said I could come sit with up until the results came in.

Zach was asleep, but subconciously squeezed my hand.

"I love you Zach, and I know I don't say that often, but I do. I'm sorry I haven't been the best sister, but I do love you." I sobbed, my eyes burning from the free falling tears.

Almost as soon as I finished my sentence, the beep went flat on the heart-rate monitor.

I couldn't scream. I couldn't move. I was completely paralyzed.

I lost them both.

The nurses rushed into the room, and pulled the thin white sheet over Zach's pale face.

It felt almost like one of those moments in a movie when the main character has a flashback.

The nurses ushered me out of the small room, and into Alex's arms.

Only this time, I didn't fight when I watched them drag the bed down the halls.

The wheels squeaking with every turn.

This time I knew it was useless; so I let what happened, happen.


The next few days I spent locked in my room.
Mom worked even more than she did to if that's even possible.

Alex had tried calling me, texting me, even knocking on the door; but I wouldn't answer.

The other three also tried, but they failed equally as much as Alex.

Suddenly someone started banging on my bedroom door, sparking a headache.

I groaned, rolling off my bed and stumbling over to the door.

Before I could even open the door, it was thrown open and hit me in the face, sending me catapulting backwards onto the cold floor.

I rubbed my head, in an attempt to ease the pain.

My jaw dropped when I saw who had done that.
She was smirking develishly as she watched me lie there in agony.

"What are you doing in my house Sierra?" I demanded, pushing my unbalanced self off the floor, only for her to shove me back down.

I whimpered, not bothering to move this time; I was in too much pain to be kicked or hit again.

"I know your little secret," She sneered, pointing to me menacingly.

"What?" I queried, genuinely confused.

"You and Alex weren't really dating. Sure you fooled me at first, but then I saw you guys at the beach, when he really asked you. Now either you break up and make things easy for the both of us, or I make you pay." She hissed, looking at her manicured nails.

I sighed, feeling my body quake with nerves.

I didn't want to deal with this.

"I'll break up with him." I lied.

Are you kidding me? I'm not really going to break up with Alex for that teenage brat! I'm not an idiot.

"Good. And don't tell Alex we had this discussion," She winked.

Oh, I'm telling him.

Finally she left my room, slamming the door behind her.

I sighed and stood up, walking towards my bed. I fell on it backwards and was out like a light.


The next morning I called Alex up and told him every thing.

He threatened to break the 'guys don't hit girls' rule for me, but I quickly told him no.

I don't like violence. I think it's unnecessary and childish.

"I'm going to go now. I want you to meet me at the park around three." Alex murmured, before hanging up.

What? Why?

I glanced at the clock. I had an hour to get ready, so I did just that.

I applied a light layer of make-up, threw my hair in a messy bun, slid on a T-shirt and ripped jeans, along with a pair of white Adidas.

"Well, here goes nothing."


We shouldn't have to still deal with manipulative girls who never grew up; I mean, we graduated high-school, shouldn't that end there?

I pulled into the park's parking lot, and waited under a tree with a book for Alex.

Eventually he tapped me in the shoulder and I looked up, my eyes meeting his.

They were glimmering in the bright afternoon sunlight, making unusual colors visible in them.

To say he looked attractive would be a definite understatement.

"Follow me." He said blandly, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

He led me through the woods and to an open area with no trees.

Then I caught sight of the surprise and my eyes widened in shock.

"No way..."


Are you guys ready to see the surprise???

I can't believe I just published the 18th chapter already! I just started this story on the 27th of September!

I hope you guys are enjoying it ♡ tag a friend you think might like this book.


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