Chapter Six

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"I was wondering if we could talk about our past..." His voice trailed off and he started scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I sighed, "What do you specifically want to talk about?"

I already knew the answer to this question...


Chapter 6

"Your dad," He specified, and I ran a hand through my hair.

"What about my dad?" I inquired, and started chewing on my bottom lip.

"I'm sorry I hit your dad. I had just gotten my driver's license and I didn't even see him coming around the corner. It wasn't on purpose. I didn't mean to ruin our friendship because of it," He sighed, looking down at his lap.

After a moment of silence, I unbuckled and left the car, leaving him alone.

I ran into the coffee shop and straight to the bathroom.
I had been waiting so long to hear those words.

But hearing what happened from someone else again, killed me.

I sat in one of the stalls and cried for what felt like hours, even though it had only been mere minutes.

"Violet? Are you in here? Please come out!" I heard Alex shout through the bathroom door.

I sighed, wiping the tears off my cheeks.
I pushed open the stall door and left the bathroom, to see Alex leaning against the wall wearing a worried expression.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" Alex demanded kindly.

I didn't respond, instead I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him, listening to his heart beat pounding ferociously against his chest.

"I forgive you." I whispered, closing my eyes.


After school, the boys and I decided to hang out again since none of us had anything better to do.

I turned the radio up as Alex rolled the Windows down.

The cool early summer breeze was blowing through my hair as I bobbed my head along to the music.

I couldn't keep the wide smile from stretching across my face.

Tomorrow was the last day of school.

Would mom really mind that much if I ditched tomorrow?

Yes she would....

We weren't driving to a specific destination, just enjoying the ride.

"I have to pee," Ashton shouted over the music and the wind.

I rolled my eyes, "We seriously just left the diner."

"I didn't have to go then!" He whined, crossing his legs in a feminine fashion to keep from wetting himself.

I let out a laugh just as Alex let out a groan.

"Fine. It'll be a minute though, there isn't a restroom anywhere around here." He sighed.

It felt like I was seven again, the same argument I had with my parents on every road trip.


After a trip full of Ashton emptying his bladder numerous times, and driving over dirt hills in a jeep, it was finally time for us all to head home.

The other boys got dropped off first until it was just Ashton and I since it was his jeep.

He was reluctant to let Alex drive it, just like Alex seemed reluctant to leave Ashton and I in the car alone.

Once we pulled up to my house, he grabbed my wrist, snaking his fingers around the thin bone.

"We've known eachother a little while now. I don't need to know the whole story, but can I at least know part of it?" He inquired, almost pleaded.

I sighed, preparing myself for the mental adventure through time I was about to go on.

"A couple years ago, Alex and I were best friends. I secretly loved him. All feelings were instantly gone when he T-boned my dad and I and killed my dad. It was obviously an accident, but it killed me. Sierra was my best friend at the time. She knew how much I despised Alex after the incident, but she started dating him. When I confronted her about it, she went off on me, being a total jerk. Then she started spreading rumors about me, leaving me with no amo. Then she had the nerve to cheat on Alex, which is why he has a problem with her. That's when I decided to build the reputation I have today." I explained.

He looked utterly shocked.

"Were you okay after the car accident?" He demanded, his eyes searching mine.

"I just had a concussion, and a broken wrist. Nothing major. But he killed my father," I said in a duh tone.

He visibly relaxed, which made my heart flutter a bit. Wait, WHAT?


Chapter six is out!

Don't be a silent reader!


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