Chapter Thirteen

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Heyyy, I literally had no idea what to write, so this chapter will probably be crap 😭😭😭


Chapter 13

Alex's POV-

I cracked open a can of coke and chugged it, before crumpling the thin metal in my hand and chucking it in the trash can across the room.

"Nice shot!" Jake cheered, and I flashed him a glare.

"Jeez, what's his problem?" Jake muttered to Noah, and he shrugged.

Ashton rolled his eyes, "And you call yourselves his best friend. He's obviously missing his "Girlfriend"."

I shook my head shoving a hand through my already disheveled hair.

"You're seriously whipped dude," Noah commented, leaning back in his seat.

"Shut up." I grumbled irritably.

They weren't lying.

I shoved the tiny voice in my head away and opened another can of coke.

I watched as a drop of condensation rolled down the can, before sliding down my fingers.

"Have you admitted your feelings for her yet?" Jake inquired, and I shook my head, before massaging my temples in hopes to relieve my thunderous headache.

"Come on man, I'm sure she feels the same way," Ashton winked, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't know guys, what if she doesn't like me and I'm just wasting my time. I might as well let her go now, because I'm almost positive someone like her won't like someone like me." I sighed.

All of their eyes widened, but before they could protest I continued.

"I don't think I want to wait to find out. I'm going to go let her go before I get too attached." Before they even had the chance to say something, I was out of Jake's house and in my car.

I beat my head on the steering wheel a couple times, hoping that would kill me and I wouldn't have to go do this.

I love her...

Did I just say That? I mean, I know I do, but I haven't actually admitted it to myself yet.


Violet's POV-

I sat in the living room flicking through the different channels on the TV, trying to find something to watch.

"Hey little sis, your boyfriend is at the door!" Zach called, and I cringed.

Can he just call him by the name?

I stood up and stumbled to the front door. Zach had already dissapeared, leaving me alone with an upset looking Alex.

"What's wrong?" I inquired, and he started to scratch behind his neck.

"Since school's out, we can stop hanging out with eachother now. You go your separate way, and I'll go mine. We'll never have to see eachother again." He sighed, and I gasped.

"But, I thought we were friends now..." My voice came out thin, broken.

"Well you thought wrong!" He snapped, making my eyes widen.

I looked down, and a tear slipped down my cheek.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but shut it.

He offered me a weak half-smile, before leaving me, leaving me broken and pained at the front door.

I slammed the door shut, and slowly slid down it, bringing my legs to my chest and burying my face in my knees.

"What's wrong baby sis?" Zach asked, and I glanced up at him, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"I think-I think that Alex just broke up with me." I stammered, and he balled his fists up and clenched his jaw.

"I'm gonna kill him."


Alex's POV-

"How did she react?" Ashton inquired, obviously angry at me for doing what I did.

I sighed, "She started crying."

He clenched his jaw, before punching me square in the jaw, "You idiot!"

I threw my arms in the air, "What was I supposed to Do? I don't want my heart broken!"

"So you're solution was to break hers? And to think, I call you my best friend. Go tell her how you feel!" He shouted, punching me again.

I held my face in my hands, "I can't!"

He shook his head, "Tsk tsk, fine. But I'm not talking to you until you grow some balls and tell her. She freaking likes you man, you must be blind if you can't see that."

And with that, he left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


More drama.....Now remember, I need 500 reads by the 15th chapter to reach my goal! Can you guys help? And I also want to make it to 100 votes by the 20th chapter 💕💕💕


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