Chapter 10: Left Unspoken

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Author's note: James' POV on the loose.


Months passed by since I last saw Cassidy running off to Paul's mansion. The thought of it made my face crunch in disgust. That damn Specs taking Cassidy away from me.. Not so awesome at all. What if I serve him a knuckle sandwich...

Today, we were having a world meeting, once again. All we wanted to do was to see each other and make sure everything was in tip-top shape.

I rolled my eyes as I headed towards the meeting room. I wonder who could be there. I can imagine Michael is already there…maybe Jed, since he says he is the hero and all.

"How are you, James?" Michael asked me as I took a seat.

"Fine, you could say," I said. Michael rolled his eyes as Gilbird started to chirp from my shoulder.

"I see you brought your bird, Gilbird." Michael said, motioning to Gilbird. I nodded, how could I ever leave my bird behind? Gilbird means a lot to me, they all just think he is a bird.

Nothing more than a bird! It sometimes gets on my very last nerves. Just then, the door opened. I saw Ivan come in to the room. Michael didn't even look his way; as if he was a mere fly. This kind of made a little mad.

"Hey, Ivan!" I called out to him. He stopped, dead in his tracks, at the mention of his name. "Why don't you come sit by me?" I patted the chair to the right of me. He glanced down towards his bear, then at me.

"I don't bite." I teased him as he walked over to me. Ivan sat down beside me, just as I had asked him to. I saw he was a little unsure about his descion. "Like I said before I don't bite."

He looked at me and gave me the tiniest smile. For some odd reason he was scared and I could tell. I wondered why.

Next one to come in was Anthony. He took his seat next to Michael and flashed us a smile. "James, why haven't I seen you in a while? Long time no see. How are you?" Anthony asked me. I rolled my eyes as I felt Gilbird shift on my shoulder.

"Fine, you could say." I told him. He chuckled behind his hand. I rolled my eyes as Jed came in.

"HEY GUYS!" he shouted. We all waved at him, including Ivan. Jed let out a laugh that rang through the room. Gilbird covered his ears the best he could.

"Did I miss something?" I heard a voice ask. I looked back to the door to see Chai and her brother, Josh. Chai was excited, I could tell. She took a seat diagonally from me while her brother sat on her other side.

"Hi." she said to me. She waved at me and Ivan. I gave her a warm smile as Josh watched me, very closely.

"Hi." I heard Ivan say. I heard Chai giggle.

"James…how are you? I have heard you have been good." Josh said. I rolled my eyes, he can be so protective.

"Good, like you said. I see you and Chai are good, am I correct?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Josh opened his mouth to speak but Chai spoke for him.

"You are correct, James." she said. I grinned at her as Carl came in, followed by his sisters. Carl sat down by Ivan while Yuki sat down on Carl's other side.

Karissa got angry. She clenched her fists and marched around the table. She sat in front of Carl with arms crossed over her chest. I was about to say something when Gelo, or I call him West, Faizan, Mavridis and Nue.

West sat on my other side as Faizan sat by him. Mavridis sat beside Faizan while Nue sat beside Mavridis. The next one to come in was Paul. My hands curled up in to fists as he sat diagonally from me. Though when Cassidy came in, I relaxed.

Cassidy always brightened my day; I wish she would get to know me. She sat across from me and stuck out her tongue. I rolled my eyes as Jed stood up. Soon, we will be starting this meeting which I find relieving.

Amatullah, Katie and Rodney came in and took their seats. Then I saw Patricia coming in. I saw all the ladies were here, I think, but not all of the men were. Jed stood up and started talking.

"I am glad most of you could make it. Now I am just wondering, yes I know you all but what do you like?" Jed asked.

"PASTA!" Faizan yelled.

"Vodka…" Carl said. Faizan let out a whimper.

"I like Pasta…" Faizan trailed off. Carl stood up and glared at Faizan.

"Vodka is better and you know it." Carl hissed. I stood up at this.

"No need to take this out on Faizan." I said. Carl looked at me like I was the insane one.

"I like wursts." Gelo muttered. I felt a grin form on my lips. Carl stepped away from the table and glared at me.

"Vodka…" Carl said. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Faizan and Ivan

"Please don't fight with Carl, please." Faizan begged.

"It is not good to fight." Ivan muttered. I sighed and gave in. Carl let out a laugh.

"You gave in to them! I thought you were James, the awesome one?" Carl hissed. I saw almost everyone had left by now.

The only people that were left were Cassidy, Paul, Ivan, Faizan, Jed, Anthony, Gelo, Michael, Carl, Chai and Josh.

"Hey guys. Why don't we all go on a vacation together? Who is in?" Jed suggested.

"Cassidy can go but I cannot." Paul said. Cassidy was about to protest but Paul shushed her. Carl shook his head. I saw Chai, Josh, Anthony, Michael, Faizan, Gelo, and Ivan were nodding, saying they would love to go.

"James, you are in whether you like it or not." Jed said. Cassidy gave me a glare. This is just great! I don't know how I am going to do this but I will! Besides, I like Cassidy.

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