Chapter 11: Avolire

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Kat's POV:

I screamed my throat dry when the Mercari vampire lunged for Rose's throat.

Throwing myself forward, I was ready to take the claws in her place. Instead, Luca's arm jutted outward, knocking me backward onto the ground. My hands scratched the hard concrete of the runway, cutting deep enough to draw blood.

Instead of slashing right through her jugular though, the Mercari wrapped his dingy hands around Rose's neck, spinning her around to face us. Rose attempted to talk, but the vampire squeezed harder, causing her to save her breath.

"Welcome home," he purred, flashing yellowed fangs at us. The vampire was stocky and roughly built. His sandy blonde hair almost matched the off set gold eyes all Mercari vampires seemed to have.

"Dorian," Luca snarled, his hands clenching roughly at his sides.

No one made a move to save Rose, not with Dorian's hands so close to her throat.

"Prince Lucas," he said smugly, "I'm suprised your head is still attached to your body."

Luca smiled cruelly.

"How unfortunate I can't say the same for your friends."

Dorian's wide face darkened and he jerked Rose roughly against him, pulling her long black hair. She let out a small yelp and rage boiled inside me. I will kill him.

"Maybe I should return the favor," Dorian pondered, dragging a chipped nail down the angles of Rose's cheeks. Sweat formed on her brow despite the cold air.

"Do it and you are dead," I warned, ice seeping into my words.

Dorian looked at me with his gold eyes, unimpressed.

"Ah so here comes the Queen," he sighed. "I would've hoped you w-"

He paused as a small breeze blew past us. Dorian inhaled deeply, his large nostrils flaring in delight and surprise.

"You're human," he said curiously.

"Leave us," Caspian demanded, stepping forward. A stake had appeared in his callused hand.

"Not here, Dorian."

I looked around, suddenly painfully aware we were still on the runway of the airport. Anyone could have been watching from the tinted glass windows. Planes zipped by in the distance, the smell of jet fuel filling the air. I surveyed the surrounding area, grateful the passengers had already exited the plane and the flight crew seemed to be occupied inside.

Dorian begrudgingly let go of Rose, pushing her forward forcefully. She tumbled straight into Caspian from the force of Dorian's push.

"See you at Avilore," he chuckled darkly, stepping back into the car.

As he turned to speed away, another car identical to Dorian's came screeching into the parking lot.

"Get in!" A driver yelled.

Without further question, the five of us dove into the car, our carry ons bumping together and limbs tangling with each other. The driver didn't even wait for us to close the door. He accelerated quickly, cutting Dorian's car off from the exit.

"Astrid, where the fuck were you!" Luca yelled.

I scrambled into a seat, hastily throwing my small bag into the back of the car. Looking at the driver, I was startled to see it was a girl. Her similarly colored blonde hair was short and bobbed.

"I know, I'm sorry, Luca," she apologized. "Please don't tell your parents. It won't happen again."

Caspian coughed lowly, making me assume this was not Astrid's first time being unconventionally late.

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