Chapter 16: Over My Head Into My Heart

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Annalina's POV:

I didn't know where Rose was, but I assumed she was off getting into trouble somewhere. As long as she didn't leave the castle, I was sure she'd be fine.

Meanwhile, Luca dragged me quickly up the stairs, squeezing my hand uncomfortably.

"Where are you taking me?" I sighed exhaustedly.

I needed a bed. I had been up most of the night, when I wasn't passed out next to Roland of course.

We passed dozens of large paintings and portraits, all framed in elegant gold. Luca seemed to know the castle by heart. Answering my previous question, he mocked,

"My bedroom of course."

I wrenched my hand away from his, tired of the games.

"Luca," I whined, to which he unapologetically held a hand to my mouth.

"You're gonna wanna see this," he told me, his voice laced with something almost like excitement.

Groaning, he led me to two blue double doors on the far end of the castle. We passed several windows on our way, allowing me to catch a glimpse of the sun rising high over the green tree tops.

"Okay, here. Here." He motioned with his hand to wait outside the doors.

The rest of the castle around us was silent, the Royal court presumably in session. Pricks I thought bitterly I finally accept my role as Queen and now they are going to make me fight for it.

"Close your eyes," Luca told me.

I did as he said and almost fell asleep standing up. I heard Luca throw the doors open wide. I cringed at the loud bang which echoed down the hall.

"Oops," he said, not caring about what he might have damaged. Warm hands touched my face, covering my eyes completely.

Gently, Luca nudged me forward.

"You better not be leading me into your torture chamber," I warned him.

I could practically see the smirk on Luca's face.

"You mean my playroom? Oh, the fun we could have in there," he whispered lightly. I bit my lip to keep from responding.

Nudging me forward five more feet, Luca stopped and lifted his hands from my eyes.

"Oh my god," I breathed, taking in the large and spacious library.

It was like a scene from a movie. The library was elegant and clean, with two large floors and a balcony looking out against the Switzerland horizon. Spiral staircases led up to the second floor of books of every shade and size. There were at least fifteen massive shelves on either side of me, forming secluded and darknened aisles I could stroll down. In the center of it all was a hearth, the flames extinguished now that it was morning. Several couches surrounded the rotund fireplace, creating a conversation pit in the middle of the library.

"Luca," I started, but he cut me off.

He smiled devilishly at me.

"I figured I owed you after what happened the last time we were in a library together."

I let out a small chuckle at his words, still captivated by the large and roomy library. Briefly, I recalled a simpler time when all I wanted was the red book on the top of the shelf. It felt like an entire lifetime ago, which made my heart ache for home.

"Thank you," I said earnestly to Luca.

"I'll leave you to it then," he told me, bowing out gracefully. With that, he turned and exited the library, closing the blue doors with another loud bang.

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