Chapter 5: Jumping to An Ultimate Death

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Two years ago......

"I don't understand. Why can't you get into their kingdom?" King Expella demanded with disgust.

"Sir, King Werepaw is securing his location with magic. Plus, I'm not even in control here!" Sir Alpatine hurriedly said as he strived to keep up with King Expella, who rushed for information, always demanding knowledge that he couldn't get. King Expella shook his head in anger and halted in the middle of the traffic, turning on his second in command.

"Well if you can't get the job done, then maybe I should find someone who can! Those white-legged kitties won't be able to keep me out!" He declared, pushing past Sir Alpatine and barging into the area where his knights were sitting around a large table, discussing the matter of territory and his shrinking kingdom.

"Which one of you is in charge here?" King Expella shouted at his advisors, putting his hands on his hips as he waited impatiently for their answer. All of his knights' eyes widened and they pointed their fingers at Sir Alpatine, who had sunk into an armchair unnoticed.

"I thought you told me that you weren't in charge Sir Alpatine!" King Expella shook his head. This was madness! He couldn't even get anything done with these shadows of men! Lying in the kingdom! What an offense!

Sir Alpatine rolled his eyes. Sercile Expella was so eager to do things. Plus, he also didn't even seem to care that breaking inside the kingdom of Dustlantern was impossible.

"Sir, it's impossible! Since he is blocking his location with magic, no one can get in without being shocked! Nothing can get through magic!" But King Expella's eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Then tell them to just deal with the shock and get in any way!" King Expella yelled, putting his head in his hands in disgrace.

"Sir, believe me, we've tried. Once you've hit the protection charms enough, you just sort of, pass on. Besides, this isn't normal magic like we've seen. It's sorcery. And the only three people we have record of in Exeria that are able to conduct sorcery are Mr. Rold, Gala Geim, Avery Silversky and Lydia Bren! And no offense but if we-or even you get too close to that girl Gala-or her sisters, you're not coming back alive. We could try Lydia, but she has her own gang of evil villains she's whipping up, and I'm sure Gala's gonna be her apprentice soon. Mr. Rold is neutral. He doesn't do anything without a price. Avery Silversky is King Werepaw's daughter and he got her locked up tighter than your pants! She's goin' nowhere, despite her attempts of escape. She's on the path of becoming a villain. She's actually very menacing and can use weapons really well. She knows quite a whopping deal of sorcery, but her father's kept that hidden from her also. She has a lot of magic, too."

"Blast it! Mally's with Gala now? We're never going to get to her that way. Gala's gonna have her eye on her wherever she goes. Our best shot is if we can convince the Bat Queen to let Gala get in early! That pathetic little girl - the mermaid - won't even stand a chance against us when we take Mally away again. Avery Silversky won't do either. I don't want another powerful villain, trying to overpower me. She sounds like trouble, and trust me, I have enough of that. That girl's a villain, I'm telling you, and I do not want to get in her way. The dear girl wants to be famous and do whatever she wants and I'm not getting in the way of her, despite the fact that she's my daughter. If she becomes good, dear me we'll be in trouble. With that little rascal and Gala, along with lighting zapping madman, dear God, I don't even want to know what happens next! And oh, I believe I can find a person that's not a little villain who thinks she's ready to control me," He cackled and vanished into thin air, black cloak swirling behind him as he disappeared once again, plus in a cloud of smoke. Sir Alpatine couldn't help but think that the smoke was all for show, but he had work to do.

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