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"James . ." I say quietly and tremble-ly. The nerves coursing through me where still on edge over the events that just played out. My body was a shaking mess.

"Elena, what's wrong?" But I didn't have a chance to respond as Sandra was taking the phone away from me and speaking for me. In a way I pissed that she just jerked the phone out of my hands, but I was mostly thankful. If I was being honest I wasn't sure my voice would even work.

"Hey, James. This is Sandra,  yeah we got some issues over here. Your girl got a little roughed up but she'll live. They tried to hang us, but the rope broke." Sandra said into the phone. I watched her as she walked over  and stood in between the men laying on the floor.

"One dead asshole, one bout to be dead asshole. But you need to get over here now." she told him sternly. I was surprised actually. At how she wasn't afraid to talk to him like she was the boss but I guess when you're in my shoes it's different. Because in my shoes I was a prisoner, she wasn't.

I heave a small sigh out. My head turning to the left where I noticed a small child was standing in the hallway. What was this baby doing here? Was this little girl Sandra's? I quickly raised off the sink and made my way over to the tiny little girl with big brown eyes. "Hey sweetie, Let's go somewhere else okay?" I said in the best calm, sweet voice I could master. My hand went the child's shoulder as I tried to turn her away from the scene before. I didn't know how Sandra raised her kids nor did I want to, but I knew one thing. I wasn't about to let this child see these men.

As I lead the small child into the back room - which was her room - "Did you fight the monsters?"

I smile down at her. My hand gently running through her hair. She was a sweet little girl, to innocent to be in this world. "I did sweetie. I fought the bad guys." I watched as a smile grew on her lips. She then reached over and grabbed a small tiny doll - Almost as big as my pinky finger - and gave it to me. "Here, to bring you good luck next time you fight the monster."

I held the tiny doll in my hands. My eyes taking in it's appearance. I felt my heart leap, this little girl was pure. She was pure and beautiful. Someone as pure as her deserves the world, the actual world. Not the worst parts of it. I felt tears sting my eyes and my actions slightly surprised me because before I knew it I was hugging this little girl. wrapping her in my arms in the most loving way I could

For a moment, just one split second I was at peace.

Just me and this little girl.

The whole world was stopped. My mind was clear and not tainted with fear. In this moment I was at peace.

I was knocked from my moment when we heard someone clearing their throat. I pull away from the child only to have her take off running towards the back yard. When my eyes finally land on the silhouette still standing in the door sill, I see it's James.
"You okay?"

"I'm fine, James." I pushed past him. Our shoulders only touching for a brief second. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to hear his snarky remarks.

I walked into the kitchen, my eyes taking in the scene. Camila stood beside the table looking down at the man who was still alive. His mouth was now bleeding almost as if someone had kicked him in the face.

I wouldn't put it past James. Speaking of the devil himself, James comes brooding back into the kitchen, mimicking my shoulder brush he pushed past me. He stalks up to the table, grabs my bag - that still has some drugs in it seeing as I didn't make it that far - and he hands it to me "You've got another drop off." Could he be anymore cold hearted?

"No." Camila jumps in. My eyes move from James to her "she's had enough for the day. Go back to the warehouse, have our doctor take a look at your neck." I nod to her in a small form of a thankful. Once Camila turns around I shove the bag harshly into the James's arms and storm out.


I sat in the parking lot of the warehouse. My hands gripped the wheel while my eyes stare at whatever. I wasn't paying much attention. all my mind could digest was that little girl. What was going to happen to her? If that happens again, who will protect her? Who will save her from the monster?

Suddenly the window beside my faces busts open and a electrifying pain is coursing through my body. I was gasping for air, my head was rolling backwards, everything was slowly melting together until it was all just black.

Taste Of Scotch // James ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now