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Hours had passed

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Hours had passed. The man who got shot was stable. I look down at my hands, I still had blood on them, I didn't want blood on my hands.

But yet you had it, it stains your skin Elena, even if you can't see it.

Heaving a sigh from my lips I stand up and decided to make my way over to the sink to wash it off.

The cold water runs over my fingers sending slight chills. I rub my hands together trying to ease the blood. It's not long till James is beside me washing his own hands free. I glance over at him but he fail to notice my stare.

His hair was a disheveled mess, his cloths blood stained and wrinkled and rugged. His eyes had small circles underneath them from the amount of stress he was under. It was at this point that all I wanted to do was take it all off his shoulder.

But I couldn't.

"You should get some sleep." James finally caught my stare as he mumbles those words toward me. I shake my head and cross my arms. "I want you to understand, I know what you're going through."

"I bet you do . . . James I don't want anything to happen to that woman."

"At this point, Elena, that's not your decision to make." He says then walks away from me.

I take this time to gather some of my belongings. I was lying to James, I was lying to Camila, and if I didn't play my cards right I could end up dead.

This maid was the only way I was getting to my brother. The only way I was getting to Mexico to be with him was through her and I would be damned if I let James harm her.

I grabbed the car keys off the table and quickly ran to my car and drove off to the maid. I had remember her address from the computer from the hotel. Right before the Florida boys showed I gather information on the workers working.

I typed her address in on my phone and followed the GPS. My hands gripped the steering wheel till my knuckles turned white, I was speeding - drawing attention to my self - but I didn't have time to waste. If James beat me there it ways going to be nothing but trouble.

I turned down a couple streets and side roads until the GSP said I had arrived. Immediately I jumped out of the car and raced through the Apartment's. I stopped on the stairs case grabbing someone's arm - a small brown hairs young women, probably just turned 20 - "hi, um, can you tell me where Maria's apartment is?"

She then proceeded to like to the very last apartment on the right side. I thanked her quickly then raced down to her apartment.

My frantic hands banged on her door until it slowly opened and I was pushing my way inside. I was out of breath, my body was weak from lack of sleep, I knew I looked like a mess.

"Maria, we have to go." My eyes look up at her in worry. I didn't know how long we had till James showed up and I wasn't trying to test my luck. Maria nodded, grabbed her bag, and we both left the building. We ran down the stairs and into my car shoving our bags in the back seats. I then started the car and we drove off.


We reached the coyotes den where Maria had said it was. Quickly both of us stepped out of the car and I immediately went straight to the person in charge with $200 cash. "Hola, can you get this car towed immediately, like ten minutes ago?"

The man nodded his head and took my money. I nodded to him then found Maria again. She turned to me a sadden smile playing on her lips. "You're a good person Elena. Don't let this world corrupted you"

I was taken back by her words. I hadn't exactly expected her to talk to me other than the few 'I heat you' and 'you ruined my life' but I was great full she was looking out for me. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I knew it was James.


"You turned your phone tracker off."

"Don't try and stop me."

"You're being very stupid, Elena. Look I know you got the maid, so bring her back to me and we can forget this ever happened."

"I'll take the punishment, James."

"Elena, look, Camila doesn't know about this. I haven't told her yet. She doesn't have to know, but I need you to bring the maid back."


"You have to trust me on this okay, look I'm trying to stop you from making a big mistake here. Where you think you're going, what ever you think you're doing Camila will find you."

I was silent. He was right. If I left I was putting my brother in danger.

"We can keep this between us. I need you to come back." He let his voice fail him I could hear the desperation and hurt.

"I'm sorry, James."


We have been walking for a good four hours. My feet where killing me and my head was pounding. I was starting to get claustrophobic.

Maria hasn't said a word to me not since we got down here. I had asked her about her family, about her son. She only briefly told me she sent her son to Mexico on a church retreat. Lucky him.

I knew I hurt Maria. I destroyed her life. I was sorry - no I was more than sorry - but I couldn't take anything back. As much as I wanted to I couldn't. What's done is done.

"I know you won't forgive me Maria. I know that. I know what I did hurt you, ruined your life . . . But if I didn't do this I wouldn't forgive my self." I mumble. She looked over her.

"We're here." Maria says. I nod my head then follow her up the ladder. It takes her a moment to open the hatch door but when she does she quickly climbs out while I had her her bags.
As I make my way up the ladder, and onto solid ground I felt relieved.

I was relieved.

I was relieved I was no longer under the command of Camila.

I was relieved I didn't have James breathing down my throat.

I was simply just relieved.

Now all I needed to do was find my brother at El Moora's.

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