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"What the fuck, James!" I yelled

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"What the fuck, James!" I yelled. I had no doubt my outer facial expression matched my inter angry. I was fuming.

His lower lip had blood slowly falling, it had suffered a minor cut from being caught between my teeth and my Palm. He turned his face to meet mine, his thumb coming up and wiping away the blood.

When he didn't answer me. I took this time to walk away from for good this time. But yet I was still not able to because he was catching up to me - god damn this limp.

"Get in the car, Elena." He demanded.

This arrogant fucking ass. He really thinks after all that, that I'm going for get in a car with him? Fuck no.

"No." I snipped back. He grabbed my shoulder - not gently -  and turned me to face him.

"Elena, get in the car. I'll walk."

I don't say anything back to him. I just cross my arms over my chest and walk to the car. I can't believe this dipshit right now.


It's been two days since James kissed me. Two whole days since I last saw him. Two whole days since I last spoke to him. I honestly couldn't decide if I was pleased that he had been avoiding me or disappoint because we couldn't talk about it.

I'm a firm believer on 'talk it out' but from the looks of it James isn't. Not that it bothered me either because honestly I didn't know what I would say to him if he did want to talk.

I toss over in my bed, closing my eyes, trying to get some sleep. I've been up most of the night. Which has become a thing for me since the kiss. If I sleep, I Dream, and when I Dream it's about James. See how that doesn't work for me?

Suddenly I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. I jump over on my back to see James.

Kill me now.

"James?" I question but all I get in return is a firm 'get up.'

"James it's 4am?" I snipped after checking my phone.

"Move, come on." He said then held open the gate for me. I leaned over the bed and started to put on my shoes. Once done I got up and walked to James. I still had my limp from jumping the building but it wasn't as bad and it hurt less to put weight on it. I was surprised when the doctor told me I only sprang it.

"James where are we going?"


He ignored me. I felt the urge to grab his arm like I always do when he doesn't answer me. To turn him to face me and make him tell me what what was happening. But I didn't, not this time. I couldn't bring my self to do it. The scary fact that if touching him again makes my heart beat faster and I don't want that.

Taste Of Scotch // James ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now