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The warehouse this morning was frantic

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The warehouse this morning was frantic. Everyone rushing to pack, everyone rushing the last of the drugs out the door, everyone in all was just frantic. - I hadn't the slightest clue why - I was currently on my route to my first delivery but I wasn't sure the product was going to make it. I had a choice to make a very big choice to make and I didn't have the time to think it over.

My choice was simple in a weird sense maybe but it was a choice I had a time frame on. A very, very short time frame. I needed to make up my mind. Was I going to Erik's or not. I couldn't just keep doing circles around the deli mart all day, they might call the cops and I'd be arrested for drug charges.

James definitely wouldn't like that.

Stop. Thinking. About. Him.

I groan loudly as I make yet another left around the deli mart. I needed to weigh out my options. If I went to Erik's what would I want in return of this info that I was giving him? Money? Sure, money works, I could use it to buy me a new name and get the hell out of here.

That's my plan, That's it. I'm going to Erik's.


I drive to Erik's purely out of memory. The last time I was here I was in a pretty dress and I watched a man be murder. Not the greatest of memories. I take a deep breath once I park the car. My hands weren't trembling this time but my body was tingly. I was nervous.

I reach over into the passengers seat and grab the paper I had. I still didn't know what was on it even after spending half the night reading it over and over again and googling what I could while I stood in one spot by the bathroom.

I walk up the walk way and everything feels different. I guess because the last time I was here it was full of people getting drunk and doing drugs, now all that's here is a few body guards, Erik, and his birds. I stand in front of the door, my heart leaping as I ring the door bell. Okay here goes nothing.

The opens and soon Erik comes into play. His light blue dress shirt tucked in neatly in his dress pants, his dark hair slicked back. His face furrows as he looks me up and down.


"Who are you?" his voice was not what I was expected. It was more bitter and deep, it honestly frighten me.

"I have something I'm pretty sure you're gonna want."

Suddenly he's taking a step back and greeting me inside. I quietly follow him into his house and then into the living room. My eyes where on everything taking in the empty house and all his body guards. Once we was completely in the living room Erik turns to me.

"So, are you going to tell me what it is you think I want?"

I didn't answer him but only pulled out the paper and handed it to him. He takes it from my grasp and looks it over carefully before turning away. "What do you want for this?"

Taste Of Scotch // James ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now