Accepted [2]

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Gets tossed into kages office lands face first. " I think they liked me."

He chuckles once again for a few seconds at my comment. "Hello young one, my name is Sarutobi Hiruzen and I'm sure you've guessed right that I am the hokage?"

"Yeah, the big red kanji and robes kind of ruined the mystery," comes my natural sarcastic response.

Mentally, I slap myself for my disrespect. I may be an ass, but I'm an ass with manners. Immediately, I bow my head in apology for my rudeness. He laughs it off and shakes his head, obviously not bothered by my attitude. My eyes widen in shock at how different this man was from my father. Father would've certainly had my head on a stake for such disrespect.

He ushers me to come closer and take a seat and I oblige. After a few moments, he breaks the silence. "What is your name?" I think and decide to give him just my first name. "Tenshi."

He raises an eyebrow at my odd name and repeats it, "Angel?"

"Yeah i know it's a pretty contradicting name if ya ask me." I reply with a smirk. Returning my smirk with an amused look, he says, "With all the trouble you've been causing Ibiki, i have no doubt about that." Raising a brow in question.

There's only one person I blessed my presence with long enough here to cause trouble and it was that trenched baldy who investigated me.

It finally clicked in my head and I mentally laughed at my slowness, "Ahh so that's what his name is?" He chuckles once again. "Yes, it seems you've been quite uncooperative for the past week?"

I couldn't help but sweat drop, I'm cooperative I just don't like answering questions; there's a difference. After finding the right choice of words I give a sheepish look. "Gomen, I'm not really a fan of interrogations." Pausing for a second he nods in understanding.

"I understand you've been through a lot these
past couple of days, but I need you to answer as much as you can." I take another look into his eyes and I could tell he was serious. So, I get myself comfortable and mentally prepare myself. Taking notice of my readiness he inhales and askes, "Last name?" Tensing for a second, I glance away. Sensing my hesitation, his stern look changes to one of gentleness, one I suppose a grandparent would give their grandchild. Taking a moment, I make my decision on whether to trust this person or not.



Shocked for a moment, he nevertheless continues. After carefully answering each one he tells me he has one more question. With the way he says it, I can tell this ones gonna be personal. Before he even had the chance to ask it I say, " You wanna know why I was covered in blood right?" My sassy laidback demeanor now replaced with unease. His eyes widen for a moment but he nods none the less. I hold his gaze for a moment, my mind conflicted if I should show this stranger. If I didn't cooperate I'd be most likely thrown back in a cell but then again, he'd have no reason to throw me in one. I hadn't threatened the village and was caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Originally I was just passing through fire country...I didn't expect to get ambushed by a bunch of masked freaks. I seriously thought they were a cult...

"I'm starting to think I would've much rather been kidnapped by some weird cult..." I grumbled lowly. However, I looked into his eyes and I found myself wanting to trust him. I know it seems unrealistic to trust someone I just met but this old man gave off that feel. That feeling like I could trust him and not regret it.

Sighing, I stand up slowly and make my way around his desk , his eyes following my every move. I begin taking my gloves off, keeping a respectable distance away. I'm stopped by a another gloved hand; 5 animal masked people surrounded me, kunai ready to protect their leader. Feeling the cold edge of a kunai at the nape of my neck, I couldn't help but sweat.

Sarutobi glances at them and nods, "Leave us, I will be fine." They all hesitate for a second but abide by his orders and disappear. Releasing the breath I didn't even know I was holding, i sweat drop. After taking a moment to collect my self, he nods toward me to proceed. Once my hands border the sides of his face an inch from touching; I look down weary, weary of what he's about to witness...What he will think of me once he sees...As if hearing my thoughts, I feel a big hand ruffle my hair. I look up in surprise into a pair of warm eyes. Right then and there I knew that it would be alright.

Kekkei genkai activated, my hands finally make contact with his skin and what was a few seconds to me was almost days for him. After showing him what I'd probably never show anyone in a million years, I pull my hands away hastily. Sadness dawned my face for a split second at his future. How unfortunate...

Shaking my head, I focus back on Sarutobi, secretly saving the things I had saw to mind...Now he was staring at me, a blank look on his face. I stare quietly back. Either he accepted me or didn't and if he didn't then I would ditch the village. Simple. Sure I'll probably be blacklisted and on the run for the rest of my life... Scenarios on how this situation would go if the Hokage decided to judge me for what I had shown him consumed my mind.

I honestly didn't know why I was naive enough to let him see but I guess the childish part of me wanted that connection. You ever have so much on your plate that you have that longing to just tell someone? Anyone? That's how I felt.
Deep deep down after everything that happened a week ago... I just wanted someone. It was a new feeling that laid in the pits of my mind after losing everything.

I had shown this person nearly everything...
Unasked questions flooded my mind.

Would he throw me out?
Would he lock me up?
Would he execute me?

A hand rests gently on my head, giving my locks a ruffle. "You will stay here that is final," came his voice, a chuckle towards the end... A breath I didn't even know I was holding slipped past my lips and I felt my eyes cast down. Even after what he had seen... I look away bashfully.

"You're not a're my sister and I'll love you always..."


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...I'm like going over the beginning chapters of this and it's safe to say I believe I've improved. Decided to tweak it up a bit so it's not childish cliche.💀😂
🚧🚧 books under major editing, there's minor spelling errors which I'm fixing atm

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