Cats to mist demons [9]

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Recap: they all take the bell test everyone fails except Tenshi then they pass.


Poor thing. Poor, poor thing. Animatedly, I tear up at the terror before me. Poor Tora getting smushed into the tits of the Fire lords wife.
"No wonder he ran away." I nod in agreement to sakuras statement. Maybe I can steal the cat later on! Smirking deviously at the thought I tune back in Naruto making an X with his arms complaining about getting a better mission. Honestly, I can't blame him. The shit we're doing isn't even classified as a mission, they're chores. Noticing kakashi sweatdrop at Narutos behavior I feel for the guy. Having to watch a loud mouthed bullseye, a fangirl, and a kid with the ego greater than the village itself I'd probably be digging my own grave by now.

"Naruto these missions are f-"

Shutting out the old mans yammering knowing it wasn't anything important, I focus on Naruto deciding if he should eat miso ramen or beef ramen. The rest of the team unintentionally mocks my actions. "Personally for me I think chicken ramen better."

"How could you?!!" Naruto gasps in betrayal taken aback that i would ever say such words to him. Before I had the chance to reply, I find myself on the ground clutching my head in pain, naruto mocking my actions. Sending a glare to the homosexual pirate, Naruto voices his displeasure. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Wait a second wasn't the old man in the middle of something? I look back towards the kage and find him with irk marks glaring at the both of us.

Naruto shoots up matching his glare. "IM NOT A KID ANY MORE I WANT A REAL MISSION!" Sitting back down on the ground Naruto crosses his arms away in defiance. Before Iruka had the chance to go off on the rebellious boy The old man holds his hand up in silence, "alright."

Well...that was easy... I can tell I wasn't the only one shook, it seems everyone else aside from the old man was too. "Naruto wants a real mission ay? He's not a bratty kid anymore." Flipping some papers he stamps something and looks up at us, " An escort mission. C ranked."

No way! I mean, I'm ready but looking at the state of our team now, I'm already making preparations for what I want to say at the funerals. Naruto shouts in glee thinking we were gonna escort someone of high title. I sense a presence about to come through the door. Reeks of alcohol.

Answering my curiosity, a man stumbles through the door, drunk off his ass. Just great.

"W-what!? A*hick* are these the brats *hick* that's supposed to protect me?!" Clicking my tongue in displeasure, I already knew this mission was gonna be a drag...rolling my a
eyes at my unintentional shikamaru reference I notice him referring to me, "and her*hick* she's so small and weak looking! You gonna pick flowers for m*hick* me?!" Not being able to stop myself, I appear behind him, kunai aimed for decapitation. Seeing my actions Kakashi quickly intervenes, knocking the kunai out of my hand and lifting me up by the back of my cloak. "Now Tenshi, not you too." Pouting in response, I huff turning my head away. "It's not like I was gonna kill him." Sweatdropping at my contradicting words.

What? I swear it's not like I was gonna actually kill him. Yet.

"My name is Tazuna and I am a bridge builder. I expect you to get me home safely even if that means sacrificing your lives." Rolling my eyes at his statement, I huff once more. Yeah right. I'll protect duck dick before I protect you.


After I packed my things and made my way towards the meeting point I was surprised kakashi joined me. "YOURE ACTUALLY ON TIME!" Naruto points at Kakashi in awe, Sasuke and Sakura matching his emotion. Kakashi sweatdrops at the lack of faith his students have in him. Don't know why he's butthurt for, dudes gotta killer late record.
I take the time to examine my teammates, sending them a nod in greeting till my eyes landed on Naruto. "Naruto you only wear 1 outfit what could you possibly have in there!?"

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