Choices [32]

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Tsunade heals Sasuke and Kakashi but gives Lee news he dreads. Team 7 spends the day trying to find out what's under Kakashis mask.
"I didn't think you'd faint..."


"You want me to What?"

"I want you to train me."

Giving the DuckButt of an Uchiha a blank look I continue munching on my dango.

"Go bother Kak- if you don't hand me back that stick of dango in the next 5 seconds you can kiss your clan revival goodbye."

Sweatdropping at my threat, he holds the stick above his head knowing I won't be able to reach it. Narrowing my eyes at his smug look, I stand up now face to collar bone with him.
He smirks even more as I had to look up at him. The Uchiha grunts as next thing he knows, his spine is in the ground.

I now sat on Sasukes stomach with kunai near his throat as I take a bite of my retrieved dango. Seeing him hold his breath with wide eyes at my takedown, I get up and walk away not bothering to help him up.

A moment later, I swiftly duck under his leg from his attempt at catching me off guard. "You do know chakra detection is my strong suit?"

He clicks his teeth in annoyance going for a punch to my gut but I block it with my forearm whilst my dango was still on the other hand.

"Ne ne DuckButt you really wanna do this?"

Sending me an annoyed glare, he black flips away from me forming familar hand signs.
Copying his actions, I bring my fingers to my mouth and inhale.

""Fire style: Fire ball jutsu!"" We both shout simultaneously.

The fireballs clash creating an explosion.
Jumping away from the smoke, I bring my kunai up deflecting a few shuriken.
Landing gracefully, my eyes widen at the booming sound of 1000 birds chirping.
Before I knew it he flashes behind me going to attack me with the infamous chidori.

"Shit." I muttered.

Having no choice but to activate my genkai, I pause time for 10 seconds. Bringing my hand up to muffle my laughter from the hilarious pose Sasuke was in, I use the 6 seconds I had left to take his non chidori hand and position it so his finger was sticking up his nose.
Taking a step to the side to observe my master piece with a snicker.

"W-what the?!"

Not having the leverage of his non chidori hand to balance his move, the chidori disappears making him crash into the ground in a jumble of limbs.

"I told you it was the last time I was gonna take a chidori."

He sits up rubbing the back of head with a wince from the not so soft crash. Giving me his signature glare, a scowl graces his features.
"Hn, you cheated."

I recoil , placing my hands on my hips with a annoyed look.

"In the midst of battle, there is no such thing as cheating. Your opponent will use anything he has up his sleeve and before you know it, you won't even be alive to call him out on it."

He raises his brow at my words with a wisdom.
Crossing his arms, he looks away with huff.
My eyebrows raise in confusion at his anger.  What did I do?

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I turn away from the Uchiha. The last thing I wanted was to willingly spend time with him, especially since my emotions decided to break when I saw Sakura hugging him. "Get Kakashi to train you or something."

Finding another area to train, I spend majority of my time developing my jutsu. It was taking longer than usual to develop this jutsu and since Naruto mastered the rasengan in 3 fucking days I was more determined than ever to get this jutsu down.

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