Guess whos back! Back again [13]

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Tenshi finally explains most of her background to us along with what her clans were like! She also meets a certain person as well.
'I wish we had more time..'
"M-me to..."

After spending a few minutes sobbing my eyes out i noticed 2 things. First, I was definitely getting out of here. Second, I could feel the chakra in my eyes surging meaning I had unlocked a stage. I guess the emotional turmoil I was feeling from meeting my mother unlocked it. I'll have to look into it later but for now I need to get out of here.

Now back to finding a way out of here. After discovering my mother sacrificed her life to protect me and entrusted her power to me; I'll be damned if I let that go to waste. Bringing my hands together, I gather chakra. If what my mother said as true and I was stuck in the in between, I could come back.

Grunting in annoyance I try even harder.
"Shit!its not enough! I-I need more c-chakra.."
Any hope I had was slowly starting to wither away.

"Just this time I'll help you brat; for if you die, I die."

Feeling a huge surge of energy, I'm now enveloped in golden flames my hair blowing wildly from the force of it. Thinking I was on fire once again I almost freaked out but I noticed something ? Lifting my hand I examined the flames curiously . Its not hot? I look at the flames in awe and a few seconds later fist bump the air in glee.

"Hell yeah!"

Now no longer tired, I formed the handsigns again and released the energy. Before I knew it time had slowed down the chakra had exploded in a flurry then reversed then expanding outwards. I blacked out.

A more brooding than usual uchiha stood beside his blonde friend, eyes shut in thought. Today's the day...He thought, clenching his fists in sadness. It took all it had in him to not portray the emotions he felt at his teammates demise. It's been nearly a week since The Jikan had been gone and each day had only increased the hole in his chest. When he had saw her limp body, he couldn't believe his eyes...

No body knew why she did it or how she knew but he cursed the girl for her decision in jumping in the way. Why do you always have to be in the way?! He mentally bashed but deep down he knew that wasn't how he truly felt. Kakashi had told the team about her girls ability to control time. From what he gathered, they concluded that she had somehow used her abilities to see Hakus past. Whatever she had saw, he was pissed that she'd sacrifice her life for it. He was the damn enemy?!

"I'll see you next time...Sasuke."

It was right then and there, Sasuke knew she had lied and there wouldn't be a next time. Idiot... Self hate clouded the Uchihas being. He could've stopped her if he hadn't gotten himself practically killed. However, among all the countless questions in his mind he wondered.

Did she know she was gonna die...

Naruto was in no better shape, staring at the picture set to the side of the casket. I can't believe Ten-chan is.... The blonde looks over at the 2 males standing not far from me. The first a male with tan skin and bandages covering half of his face, next to him a male that if you didn't know him you would've thought he was a princess. Zabuza and Haku...After what had happened on the bridge and gato backstabbing Zabuza; He persuaded the old man to let them stay in the village. She would've wanted that...she gave up her life for it. Understanding the situation the old man let them stay but not without having them followed everywhere they go and investigated. Out of all of us, Naruto would stay their senses took it the hardest... He couldn't even imagine how he felt in that moment...Watching someone who was practically a sibling to you...watching the life leave their eyes and knowing you're the one that caused it... Not helping it, He sent his sensei a look of pity, hoping he was coping well. Naruto himsslf was still indenial and hoped by some miracle this was all a cruel prank.

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